Eat To Live

We've wanted to see this film for a long time & we finally found it today. 
We have both the books written by the main guys - Drs' Esselstyn & Campbell, which have been life changing.

You can find the film here: 

Hope you enjoy it!

Kay & Sime


  1. Ooooh, I have been wondering if that would be released. I heard about it a while ago, but couldn't find any way of watching it.

    I think tonight is sorted.

    Thanks for posting the link. I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

    1. Hi Becky,

      Same for us, we've searched for it several times & found it at last!

      The film really confirms to us why we are doing what we do! For anyone thinking of becoming vegan - it will no doubt push them in the right direction... Which is great!

      Hope you enjoy it & let us know what you think!

      Kay :)

  2. We saw it last year and just loved it. Such a great film! I'm really glad that it's available online now.

    1. Such a shame it's not more available over here... I wrote to the folks behind the film last year to find out when we will get to see it in the UK & they said there was no interest or demand for it!

      They need to get it out there & give people something to think about!

      Kay :)

  3. I know I am going to enjoy this..I've just out the kettle on....

    I loved the Body Ecology film you sent me too, I'm sure I shall be watching it again, there was so much wisdom to take in.

  4. uh, senior moment! The film link you sent was Food Matters, in case anyone else is interested.

    1. Yep, another great film!

      I'll post some more soon - there's loads out there!

      Kay :)

  5. Have awarded you the 'one lovely blog award' - please only accept if you want to xx

    1. Thank you Mrs Thrifty!

      We are very honoured!

      Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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