All Change

Hugo has finally put his foot down...

And insisted that it's time...


To lose his lovely locks...

Sal last cut his hair just before we went to France in January last year...
Wished mine grew that quick!

We're a bit sad about it, as we always are when he has it chopped off... But we'll get over it & Hugo's thrilled to have short hair again, as it doesn't take so long to wash!
Our lovely lad!

Another change for us this week...

Our bright green paintwork on the house has changed...

Rose & Asa showing off our newly painted porch.

Yes we're getting very fashionable now - no more bright green...
We've gone for the more modern French grey!

The weather keeps changing too...

Thursday morning was dull, wet & miserable...
So much so - lots of campers were leaving our little peninsula & getting in the way of us getting Hugo to the train station!

 By the afternoon it was lovely & warm!
(there's our tipi again)

Before we arrived to pick Hugo up in the late afternoon - we had gone to work in Portmellon.
Within minutes of getting to the house we were cleaning, there was an almighty downpour & water was gushing down the bank - we just had to sit & wait in the car. Luckily, we were near the top of the bank & within minutes of the rain stopping - the sun came out & dried it all up again...

Hugo was helping & performing at Circo Kernow's playfest in Truro.
Unfortunately, we missed his performance because we were working... But we got to spend a couple of hours lying in the sun & chatting with our friends - who were also working at the festival.

The Big Top

Helen's funky new business!

Her crumpets are vegan & absolutely delicious.
We forgot to take a photo, but we had Helen's homemade vegan wild rocket & walnut pesto on our crumpets - which was also amazingly good!

 We've had a tiring day today & will no doubt have another long day tomorrow.
We do have Sunday & Monday off though - hooray!!!

Anyway, we must get to bed...

Night, night.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Kay & Sime


  1. Hugo looks extra handsome with his new do!
    Jane x

  2. I could do with one of those crumpets right now. Love the haircut! Back soon xx

    1. Helen says they are really easy to make... But I can't remember all the ingredients... I think it involved SR flour, pasta flour & vinegar, but they were the best crumpets we'd ever tasted!

      Kay :)

  3. what fun! I want to know what happened to Hugo's chopped off hair?

  4. Hugo now has 'wash and go' hair! It looks good!
    I like your new door color - it looks very warm and inviting.
    Wishing you an extra happy weekend Kay!
    xo Catherine


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