Going Dutch

Léah & Jorrik

We've had an entertaining few days with the guests who left today.
They both have a theatrical background...
 Léah is a jazz singer, dance & yoga teacher. Jorrik is a musician, actor & carpenter.

Below are videos of their performances...

They enjoyed their time here - exploring the coastal paths & beaches...
And our evenings have been filled with vibrant conversation, songs & laughter!
So far all our guests have left a big impression on us, sharing their lives & filling us with ideas.
It is exhausting entertaining lots, but it's interesting to see & hear how others live.
We have learnt lots already, but also have taught lots too...
We have inspired folks with our bread & beer making, vegan cookery & our simple living - which is lovely!
It doesn't take much to make us happy...
 But we are very grateful to be meeting so many lovely folks right now!
Hope you are all having a good week.
Kay & Sime


  1. Vegans are a fab and varied bunch!
    Jane x

  2. I agree, wow! Evenings certainly wouldn't be dull with those two!

    So pleased that your business is taking off!

    Sft x

  3. Yess!!

    we really enjoyed the inspiring, tasty and nutricious breakfasts and dinners we shared with Kay and Simon, sharing life expiriences, silly fantasies and the common background Simon and I share being bassplayers. A shivering night as they told us about a house they once lived in, that had a will of its own..or the beings in it? Me myself I have a few monsters that haunt my inner self, as the video will show..
    We had a real culture shock after our stay, entering the London subway on our way home, were people seem to have gotten used to a stressed an agressive way of being and moving around.
    Thank you Simon and Kay for a lovely stay at your peaceful residence!

    Liefs, Jorrik and Léah


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Kay and Sime

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