Family, Friends & Falmouth

Yesterday, we arranged to meet up with Scarlet, J, KL...
 As well as our tribe at Miss Peapod's in Penryn.

It's an ideal place to sit & chat... 
Which we did again for another 3 hours!

Our kidlets had breakfast & Sal had to go off to work...

Rose & Asa then took Hugo off to see their new flat...

Sime's breakfast  - wilted spinach & mushrooms on toast, with beans & chutney!

We were going to park & float into Falmouth afterwards, but it was £16 per car & it was already 2pm...
So we parked in town - £3.50 for 3 hours.

Sime got a bit snap happy...
An electric road/litter cleaning machine - you can tell we don't get out much!

"And it was this big..."

An ancient Falmouth by-law states that all dogs must be wheeled.

Falmouth Harbour

Would you want to eat here?

Scarlet bargain hunting...

A lot drier this week...
 Scarlet, KL & J.

How about that for colour co-ordination?
Our summer outfits of course...

We had a fab day, Scarlet & family are just such lovely people & we look forward to seeing them again.

Kay & Sime


  1. You look like you've known each other forever! Isn't it great that you all met up (twice!).

    I for one, love random photos. Keep them coming.

    Sft x

    1. Thank you Sft - it was great to meet up & Scarlet is lovely (so are her family)!

      K&S :)

  2. How I would have loved to have met up with you all as well- blogfriends are great in the 'virtual' world, but even better in the real one!!
    blessings x
    ps and it looks DRY there too!!

    1. Hi Angela,

      It's great meeting virtual friends & funny to think we all know so much about each other before even meeting - so nice though & we'll definitely keep in touch with Scarlet!

      K&S :)

  3. hey Sime, taking photos of everyday objects and activities makes you a social scientist :-D

    1. I love catching snaps of life, that exist "between the pages". Kay's the spotter, I'm the recorder! I'll have to do a post of random snaps - I've got lots!

      Sime x

  4. What a terrific day you had! OK ~ the dogs having to be 'wheeled' is a very funny law. Haha!

    Wishing you both a very beautiful weekend!
    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - we had a lovely day & the sun shone again!

      Have a good weekend too!

      K&S xx

  5. We had a fab day with you. It's hard to believe that it was only yesterday, now that we're safely back in Lancashire.The beans are already in soak!

    1. Glad you're home safe & sound!

      Shepherd's Pie on the cards for tomorrow?

      Keep in touch.

      K&S xx

  6. Looks like a great day! Is that law about the dogs being wheeled serious?

    1. Hi Molly, That's just Sime being silly - He comes out with lots of rubbish like that!

      Kay :)


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