Blue Skies...

We had some sunshine over the weekend...

Which we got a glimpse of between jobs...


On Sunday we even managed a picnic at Pendower...

Which is on The Roseland...

The roundhouses at Veryan...

A favourite place... 
The owners are lovely people & they've missed Sime's silly comments in their visitor's book - as we haven't visited for 2 years... But he made up for it by writing lots!!!

There is a little trail around the pond...

We rather like this part of the trail... 

The teapot walk...

It was nice going back...

And even nicer to have some sun!

Hope you're all having a good week.
We've heard there's a heatwave on it's way, but we'll not hold our breath...

Seeing Scarlet & family again tomorrow - they are bravely getting the full Smith clan treatment...

Wonder if they know what they are letting themselves in for?

Kay & Sime


  1. Lovely blue skies! I LOVE the photo with the blue flowers in the foreground (can't remember what they're called now, the ones on that big shrub!) We had sunshine today for the first time in weeks..yey! Did some hoeing in the garden!

    1. Hi Sooz - they are hydrangeas!

      Hope we get a bit more sun soon... Like tomorrow!

      K&S :)

  2. Er....don't I get ANY thanks for sending the sunshine?????
    Jane x

    1. Hahaha... Thank you!

      Just wished it would stay a bit longer!

      Kay :)

  3. It all looks gorgeous, I love the round houses. Do they have crosses on the top to stop witches landing on the roofs? (I'm sure I read that somewhere).

    1. There are 5 of them altogether. They were built by Reverend Trist for his daughters & we've been told the reason for them being round, was so the devil couldn't hide in any corners! The crosses are probably for extra protection...

      Kay :)

  4. Thanks for a fab day! Much love , J, L and KL. x

  5. Oh look at those blue skies! Enjoy!
    xo C

  6. What a beautiful area you live in! Looking forward to March. Let's home we bring some great weather with us.

    Sft x


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