Birthday Buddy

Little Rozzy Raspberry was 22 yesterday! 

Not really so little any more... It has been a joy to watch Rose blossom with confidence over the last year.

You can read about her herehere & here... And she still has a taste for choccie!

Our sweet girl is one of the loveliest, kindest, thoughtful people we know!

Happy Birthday beautiful chickpea!!!

Lots of love, hugs, snugs & cuds,

Momwah & Popwah



  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday lovely Rozzy, happy birthday to you!

    Kay and Sime, You are so lucky to have 2 such delightful daughters, well done Mum and Dad!

  2. She looks a real sweetie and how lovely to be so proud xx

  3. I have awarded you the Liebster blog award - see my blog for details xx

  4. Happy Birthday to Rose! It is wonderful to see them develop isn't it? K will be 24 next week, it makes me wonder where the time has gone!

  5. They will always be our babies though right? Hope your sweetie had a good day!
    xo Catherine

  6. She sounds a lovely girl, who wouldn't be proud of such a personality.

    Sft x


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