Happy Home

After a couple of cancellations - we finally have our first official guests arriving on Monday.
But first, we have Asa's (Rose's boyfriend) parents staying on Saturday, so it will be good to know what they think...

We are keeping our prices fairly low: £20 a night for one person & £35 for two, including breakfast & hope our guests will enjoy our informal approach. We're also offering 2 course evening meals, including a jug of our home brewed beer for £5 a head.

It's taken us ages to get our act together & give the place a makeover, partly because we haven't really wanted to splash out on new things, so we've moved furniture around & bought a few second hand bits...

We recently found some really good quality curtains in a charity shop, so the two windows in the guest room are now matching!

They are a big pair of curtains, so one is enough for each window & eventually we'll stick some hooks up to tie them back...

We bought this bureau for £20...
 It's nothing special, but we have a writer coming for a month - so at least she'll have a quiet place to work.

But it's our dining room (the heart of our house) which we're loving at the moment!

This was taken 3 years ago...

We had dowdy brown curtains & clutter...
(And no - we're not referring to Bebe & Sal)

Now it's more like a Greek taverna, minus the taramasalata! 

We've moved our old table, so we can make use of the window seat...

The curtains are from a holiday let, as are the cushions - the owner had a good clear out!
We thought it would be nice to just roll the curtains up like blinds, so the window seats feel spacious.

At the moment they are held in place with rubber bands, but one day we'll sew some buttons on them.
We bought our sun catcher a few years ago & it has lived in our bedroom window until now... 

The shells & pebbles on the little shelves around the window seats are from the beach...

Will we keep it clear? 
But it is a nice place to sit & chat...

We're using the pebbles to hold the curtains in place when closed. 

The dresser we bought last year.
With all our recipe & alternative health books.
Sime found the anchor buried just outside our tent, while at a festival on Mersea Island...
We kept scraping our knees on something, so Sime started digging & there was the anchor!

Our work station & chairs from the youth hostel...
Lots of folks know to ask us first before throwing things away, which is why our house turns into a dumping ground... Mainly because Sime can't bear to say no!

Little Fleaby isn't well, so has been very quiet & sleeping lots.
No idea what it is, but he's improving slowly...

Lupuschki is feeling a bit sad & lost without his mate...
 But happy we bought a box home!

And we were happy at work today too...

We are donating a 3 night stay as a raffle prize to raise money for F.R.I.E.N.D Animal Sanctuary. Which looks like a great place to support. 

And as we promised a while ago - we would like to offer our blog friends a free stay - please email if you'd like to come & see us...

Have a good weekend everyone!

We have a busy weekend ahead & we're now off to another gig... 
Will catch up with our blog reading soon!

Kay & Sime


  1. It all looks so lovely Kay - very simple and calming and I am sure your guests will appreciate your efforts. We would love to come and visit you some time xx

  2. It all looks so delightfully homely, I'm sure your guests will enjoy a very relaxing stay.
    Hope Fleaby is feeling better soon XX

  3. It all looks fantastic and really welcoming.I love that you have recycled lots of stuff in your makeover, hope you get lots of bookings :)

  4. Wow - it all looks great - I was thinking that when I eventually return to the U.K. I would love to visit (would not expect a free stay though).

    Don't cats always love boxes to curl up in. Much better than expensive cat baskets.

  5. Your home is properly lovely! It looks really calm and peaceful, I love your little window seat and the pebble-y window sill!

  6. So cosy and welcoming - great pics! I was wondering if you have space outside for a campervan? We're coming down to Cornwall in August en route to a festival and wondered how much you would charge and whether it's possible to camp outside? Weird question, I know! Many thanks m x

  7. It looks really lovely - light and bright with an individual touch. I love that you've used secondhand things, and things you've found - especially the anchor hanging on the wall with the guitar - musical instruments are so beautifully made they deserve to be seen. Get well soon Fleaby!

  8. Your living room looks great after its transformation and the bedroom looks lovely, too. I hope your guests enjoy their stay.

  9. The room is very light, airy and peaceful. The bed is comfortable and as for the breakfast, just have to say Sime's porridge is awesome.

  10. That anchor story! Another Smiths classic. Most people would dig up rubbish, but Sime, no he digs up an anchor!

    Sft x

  11. Everything looks fantastic. Very welcoming and homey. Love it!

    I hope Fleaby continues to improve.

    Oh, and I love the anchor story. Very cool!

  12. I think your guests will be nice and cozy staying with you. Lovely!
    Wishing you a happy Tuesday!
    xo Catherine

  13. Thank you everyone... As you can imagine we're very busy at the mo, but our first guests are really lovely! They leave tomorrow & then we have new guests coming in - which is nice! Flea is getting better - the vet doesn't know what is wrong, so he's on antibiotics... Now we're off to work!

    K&S :)

  14. Hope you're enjoying your second batch of guests as much as the first.


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Kay and Sime

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