
On Sunday we set off on another trip upcountry & on the way we took a detour...
Our blog friend, Kath lives in Glastonbury & does a very good (unpaid) job, promoting the town & surrounding area. 
So we thought it's about time we visited.

Our growing friendship with Kath spurred us on to ask if we could meet up & were thrilled when she invited us round for a cuppa!
Well that cuppa turned into a lovely day - Kath & Hubby took us on a tour & Sime got busy with the camera...

You might be able to zoom in - a quirky jubilee scene!

Jubilee weekend & we arrived just in time to see this procession...

Town Crier.

We last ate here over 20 years ago...

It had changed a bit, but we liked it.

A vegan feast which was delicious.

There was quite a party atmosphere in the town.
The Big Lunch was taking place & lots of folks were joining in...

They brought their own tables & food...

And took over the high street...

Some made quite an effort...

Glastonbury always has a colourful mix of people, old & young...

A film crew were around too...

As well as St John's Ambulance.

Then there's all the great shops...

Can you see the harpist?

Here's a better view.

Nice looking cafe...

I think this was the lovely smelling shop...

We loved this place...

Kath blogged about these lovely sculptures recently.

Another interesting undercover bit...

This is the wall...

And the floor...

Love this door!

St Margaret's Chapel

In one of the alms houses on the left we met a fascinating iconographer.
Unfortunately, Sime didn't take any photos, but the guy was very interesting & knowledgeable. He was scarily using heavy metal based pigments, but creating some colourful works of art!

Here's Kath... She's lovely!

And we're looking forward to meeting her again soon!

Thank you Kath & Husband!

We had a splendid day!

Kay & Sime


  1. Lovely photos of Glastonbury, it looks lovely, I've never been but one day I'm sure I will!

    1. Thanks Sooz - you would love it!

      It's very colourful & quirky & there's lots of nice places to eat!

      Kay :)

  2. What a gorgeous magical place. Thanks for taking me along,my legs aren't at all tired...but you forgot to order me the lovely food!
    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane, it is! Glad you enjoyed it. There was plenty of food to go around... But the human dustbin felt obliged to finish it off (can't take him anywhere)!

      Kay :)

  3. What amazing photos! I feel like I've been there too!

    Kath looks lovely in the photos.

    Sft x

    1. Thanks Sft, Sime does get carried away sometimes...

      Kath is lovely, just as bubbly & funny as she is on her blog - we had great fun, chatting & laughing!

      Kay :)

  4. I would have gotten so excited over that door. It's fantastic!

    It looks like a really fun, festive day!

    1. Thanks Molly - the door is beautiful, a real masterpiece!

      I think Glastonbury folk are very good at celebrating!

      Kay :)

  5. Thank for that tour Kay. If I ever get back to the U.K. it is on my "bucket list".

    1. Hi Susan & welcome to our blog.

      If you do it's certainly worth a visit!

      Kay :)

  6. Lovely? you should have seen me after my medication had worn off LOL

  7. Glastonbury's a very unique town. You seem to have caught it on a good day. Thanks for the tour.


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