Today's Novelty Food

 We always have a starter before our dinner & this is what Sime served up for me today...
 Butter bean pate face, with alfalfa hair, olives & sunflower sprouty beard!

I shall never be too old... He sometimes makes us volcano mashed potato too with gravy lava!!!

We are loving butter beans & fresh mint at the moment & Sime reckons the pate I made yesterday is the best ever!

 Butter Bean Pate

400g (or 2 tins drained) cooked butter beans 
2 - 4 garlic cloves chopped
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon fresh mint
Juice of one lemon
Salt & pepper to taste
Put all the ingredients into either a bowl & hand blend or into a food processor.
Whizz up until nice & creamy!

It should keep in the fridge for about 4 days.

Hope you like it!

Kay :)


  1. Very amusing. Clearly mealtimes are not dull in your house.

  2. This is so cool! How fun, too. Very creative!

  3. What are you like!? He's a very cute sprout-y man, I'm not sure I could have brought myself to eat him!

  4. Will give that a favourite starter comes in a glass!!
    Jane x

  5. Masterchef - here comes Sime! I love it.

  6. Gotta love a man who plays with his food. :-) The butter bean paté sounds wonderful, and we're having hot weather that would be perfect for it. I'll have to give it a whirl! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  7. Ha ha gotta laugh - good old Sime! Where woudl we be without laughter? xx

  8. you pair crack me up!
    I am going to make that pate, how I love the chuck-it-all-in cookery school :-)

  9. Thank you everyone - I do have to say, Sime does it for his own amusement! Still nice though...

    Kay :)

  10. Wow! I LOVE butterbeans - will definitely give this a try - thanks to kath for pointing this out! (your blog that is - and the recipe!) xxx


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