Our Guest Room

At last we've finished preparing our guest room.
Everything in there is either old or been given to us, hence the quirky curtain arrangement!
We'll probably change it round again at some point, as we want to put a writing desk in there to attract writers - it's such an ideal place & we've already had enquiries from some who are looking for long stays, so it's exciting!

Some of the furniture is from a holiday property we look after, so not really our cup of tea...
But it was free!

The walls are wood panelled & the room is the brightest in the house!

Entrance to the en-suite shower room.

We have a similar en-suite in our room, so are very lucky!

Though ours isn't as tidy...

The showers are amazing - we are spoilt! 
They are the best showers we have ever used, which has always left us disappointed when travelling, nothing compares to them.

Anyway, here is the website we are featured on: Air B&B  

Just got the rest of the house to sort out now...

Hope you've all enjoyed your weekends - Can't believe another one is over already, so back to work tomorrow & we're cleaning for Mr Grumpy Pants again - how thrilling!

Have a good week.
Kay & Sime


  1. I'd stay there! Looks very nice! :)

  2. It looks lovely. I hope it wont be long before you have a diary full of bookings.

  3. The bedroom and bathroom has everything I'd ever need! We have to schlep the full length of the house to get to our bathroom..a bit nippy in the middle of winter.
    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane, you can get too comfy with an en-suite - but it is nice!

      Kay :)

  4. The room looks lovely, very relaxing, I'm sure you will have plenty of guests, have a good week x

  5. Fabulous! It looks very fresh and inviting. With your wonderful cooking and great sea views, I'm sure you'll be fully booked in no time!

    1. Thanks Kath - That would be nice & then we can quit or cut back on our day job...

      Kay :)

  6. It looks wonderful! I love the simplicity of it and especially adore the platform bed. We want one someday. :)

    1. Thanks Molly - the bed is just a cheap pine one, we bought some years ago...

      Kay :)


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