Falmouth, Fire, Food & Family

We arranged to see the girlies today...
 It's a bit mean of us really as Hugo was going off to the home education group, so he missed out yet again.
On arrival Rose was keen to show us the Falmouth Beach Hotel, which caught fire on Monday & is just a few minutes walk from her flat.

The hotel is a well known venue in Cornwall & is where a lot of people from the entertainment business stay when performing in the area.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt - but it's still really sad.

The hotel overlooks Gyllyngvase Beach...

Which was looking lovely in the sunshine.

These gardens are next to the beach & opened in 1912 to commemorate the coronation of the wife of King George V...

And are renowned for their sub tropical plants, bushes & trees.

Next we went into Falmouth town centre...

This was originally Falmouth's first cinema, also built in 1912.

It now has some funky shops selling clothes, books, maps & music.

De Wynn's is one of Falmouth's oldest tea rooms...

A quaint little place...

Shame about the mod cons...

Little finger out...

The real reason for us to venture into the town - Lunch at Pea Souk...

Rose & Sal had Nachos.

Sime had a vegan blow out!
 Sausage, houmous, avocado & salad sandwich. 

I had a south Indian lentil farinata (gram flour pancake) & side salad.
They were all absolutely delicious!

Then we treated ourselves to some vegan cakes.
Sime & I had the yummy carrot cake...

The girlies had even yummier chocolate biscuit cake...

AKA Rozzy, Roz & Rozzylido!

AKA Salla, Sallness & Sallnessnessnoss!

Kay & Sime
AKA Ma & Pa, Momwah & Poppalopsy, Momma & Poppy!



  1. You lot are hilarious!
    The meals looked great and the skies were blue. What a great day, you all look like you are really enjoying yourselves.

    1. Hi Kath, looking forward to seeing your May Day celebrations!

      The meals were wonderful & we always enjoy ourselves, especially when there's food around!

      Kay :)

  2. You do make me laugh - I love the way you just grab life and live it xx

    1. Thanks Mrs Thrifty - I think I'd change that to: We know how to grab food & eat it! Hahaha!

      Kay :)

  3. The cafe owners must greet you like old friends now!

    That food looks soooooooooo delicious.

    Are all your family vegans?

    Sft x

    1. Hi Sft,

      The food there is amazing - the owner is a Cordon Vert chef, so she makes wonderful dishes!

      None of the kids are vegan right now. They all have been in the past & continue to eat mainly vegan food, but with occasional cheese & eggs.

      Kay :)

  4. So glad to see "Proper Pinky Protocol" in place. It just wouldn't do to be otherwise,old chap/chapess.
    Jane x

  5. Jane - Whenever a china cup is lifted, the pinky automatically appears... It's the only way to drink tea!

    Kay :)

  6. I heard about that fire on the radio and it reminded me of our visit last autumn when we must have walked past it on our way back into town from the beach. I hope no one was hurt.

    My daughter hopes to study art in Falmouth next year so we may need to pick your brains over places to visit and eat.

    1. Hi Gai, As far as we know - no one was caught inside.

      Falmouth Uni has a really good reputation, any time you need advice on places - we're happy to help...

      Kay :)

  7. Mmmmmm....all that food looks so yummy! Looks like you had a wonderful visit ~ and such a beautiful blue sky! Love it!

    And look at Sime drinking his tea... so prim and proper. ;)

    Happy weekend my friends!
    xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine - It was very yummy & Sime's a professional tea drinker!

      Hope you have a good weekend too!

      Kay :)

  8. Sounds like you had a lovely day in Falmouth, and not a raindrop in sight. I don't know if I've ever been there, but if I have it would have been a long time ago. We'll have to take a holiday in Cornwall in the next few years, it's been a long time since we've been there and you showcase all the best bits.

    1. Hi Karin - We would highly recommend a holiday in Cornwall & there are so many beautiful places to see...

      Kay :)

  9. I'm happy to have met you, Kay, and thanks for visiting my blog!

    Your day sounds lovely and the food looks delicious. Love the cinema's architecture!

    1. Thanks Molly - nice to come across your blog!

      Kay :)

  10. It's only 7:30 a.m. here right now, but I desperately want one of those vegan blowout sandwiches!!! And a slice of vegan carrot cake wouldn't hurt, either. :-)

    I found your blog through the comment you left on Molly's "Vegan Flower" blog and was excited to see that you live in Cornwall. We'd very much wanted to explore that part of the UK on a trip there in '96, but only made it as far west as Dartmoor before running out of time (stupid schedules!) and having to head back to our friends' place in Farnham, Surrey. We still plan to explore Cornwall someday - maybe we just needed to wait till there was a vegan B&B there! :-)

    1. Hi Laloofah - thank you for following us & it's been nice having a look at your blog too.

      Well, on your next visit to the UK - you'll know where we are...

      Kay :)


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