Rude People

This post contains strong language.

It's not very often that we encounter rude people, but the one that we met today had it in abundance.
I didn't do anything wrong, yet still a particularly unpleasant & foul mouthed woman called me *A Fucking Prick!* 
We found her outburst quite funny actually, but she wasn't laughing.

Bye for now,


  1. Perhaps in her world that's a term of endearment!
    Jane x

  2. Wow, how totally unnecessary - still, speaks volumes about her! Sending loving energy xxx

  3. I'm glad you can shrug it off :-)

  4. Aw come on you can't just leave it at that, spill the beans dude. What got her so erm cross;-)

  5. Thank you for your comments.

    It was a vehicular issue & Mrs Angry was in a rush during a snarl up in a fishing village bottle neck. She was in the wrong & lost her temper big style because she was desperate to get through. There is a recognised & understood procedure & she was local, but chose to do her own thing & it was impossible to reason with her.

    We just saw the funny side & laughed it off. I've been called worse!


  6. Yup, sounds like this person is a very unhappy human. But it sounds like you took it well. Good for you for not acting out.
    xo Catherine

  7. Good for you for not responding in kind.

  8. Haha thanks for the fuller story, I know when Iv'e lost my rag stupidly I curse myself later for letting life's triviality getting to me. Now I'm (hopefully) a much more laid back person. My partner on the other hand ,well he's just a meanie behind the wheel, such an impatient bugger. I don't get it sounds like you two don't either


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