Nightmare Of A Week

We've had quite a busy week again, though not all work...  
The cottages we cleaned this morning were not too bad, so we were home for midday & took the opportunity to watch a Korean film that's been sitting around for over a month & it was good.

Last weekend we went to our friends' Ruby Wedding celebration, which was great. They obviously really enjoyed themselves & it was so nice to be a part of it. They are such lovely people & their love for each other & their family is wonderful!

Our kidlets had a get-together this week - they had a game night at Sal & Ryan's, so Hugo went over to stay & was quite pleased to have won at Poker. It is so nice that they all love to see each other & only our kids would be quirky enough to have game nights... Such lovelies! We've made a date to see the girlies next week, so looking forward to that!
After dropping Hugo off at the train station, Sime & I decided to go & see the film 'The Cabin In The Woods', which we thought was great. It starts out like a cheesy 1980s teen horror & then just gets weird, but we like weird! Though we noticed that it was only us laughing in the cinema - not sure if the rest of the audience got it...

We have our first guests arriving a week tomorrow & the house is a complete tip, plus the guest bed needs a mattress... But in true Smith family style, instead of getting to grips with everything - we sit around drinking cups of tea & chatting like we have all the time in the world. By Thursday, we shall probably be in a mad panic & blaming each other for things not getting done hahaha!  Last night we even treated ourselves to a bottle of scrumpy which was very nice, but then I ended up having a nightmare, which I haven't had for a few years now... Don't know if it was the cider or if it's thyroid related, which a homoeopath said it was some years ago.
My nightmares always end with me shouting out for help, which actually comes out like an Ululation & of course this wakes Sime with a fright, especially as I've not had one for so long! But it has caused much merriment today, as it just seems so ridiculous - I just remember trying to open one of our dining room windows, but a scary man was outside holding it closed. I thought it was Sime at first & then realised it wasn't, so tried to shout him, but as always my voice goes hoarse with fear. 
Maybe I'm subconsciously thinking about our lack of smoke detectors, that we've been told we need in the house...

So tonight will be alcohol free, though tomorrow we're going to a leaving do...

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Kay & Sime


  1. Hehehe...we've been know to laugh at the 'wrong' bits too...we think it is our Brit sense of humour.
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane, The difference being here is that we were probably all British, so not sure what that means... Hahaha!

      Kay :)

  2. Sounds like you had a really good day - we have games nights too! I thought it was only us that was a bit offbeat xxx

    1. Hi Mrs Thrifty, I think most people would agree that we are very offbeat, though we see ourselves as perfectly normal...!

      Kay :)

  3. Oh, I love the fact that you chill out! Good for you!

    Hope your guests have a lovely time, I know they will with such wonderful hosts.

    Sft x

    1. Hi Sft, I think we chill out more than we should sometimes - to the point of being incredibly lazy & we just talk far too much!!!

      Thank you - I hope we will make good hosts!

      Kay :)

  4. Hope this week won't be a nightmare and that you'll sleep easier, Kay. Good luck with your visitors on Saturday, hope both you and they will enjoy their stay.

    1. Thanks Karin - really don't know why I had that nightmare, have been fine since & even drank cider last night...

      Kay :)

  5. Perhaps the only vegans???!! We have to weird to be vegan according to most people.
    Jane x


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