Early Mornings

We are still upside down at home with builders in & out...
We're also working lots too again - though this morning we're off to the home education group, as it's our turn today!

A few tough days coming up again & then hopefully next week we can take some time to enjoy ourselves...

Hope you're all having a good week.

Kay & Sime


  1. Hope the next few days aren't too bad for you.

    Looking forward to hearing what you've planned for your 'time off'.

    (p.s. would love to know what Sime is thinking in the above photo!)

    Sft x

  2. I laughed out loud when I saw the expression in Simes face (sorry Sime) I keep breaking out into giggles...

  3. hee hee sorry, just had to come back for another look :-D

  4. Hahaha - thanks Sft & Kath!

    Sime has no idea why he pulled his face, but it was early...

    Kay :)

  5. Glad you are both okay; just take it steady and pace yourselves until you get your play time next week. Please tell where you are going to play or is it a magical mystery tour; my uncle used to take me on them. Hope the weather is okay for you we have had rain for over 24 hours (much needed and we are beginning to feel like drowned rats; but tonight it has gone icy cold again.

    Hugs to you both



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Kay and Sime

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