Blog Awards

We have received these awards recently & would like to thank the ladies who passed them on to us...

Firstly, it was a while ago that Karin passed this on to us & we apologise for not saying anything sooner... Here is Karin's Blog about her garden & it's transformation.  
Also from here you can click on to her other blog: Green And Generous.

We have followed Karin since coming across her during No Impact Week over a year ago & have found her posts to be both interesting & thought provoking.
Karin & her Husband are training to be beekeepers, so it's a very exciting time for them.
They also keep some rather beautiful chickens!

Also a while ago, we received this award from Mum, who doesn't actually follow us, but occasionally makes comments... She can be found here: Mum's Blog & it seems to be a very happy blog!

Lastly, this is from Mrs Thrifty, who is a new follower & already we have found her blog very inspiring.
Here it is: Mrs Thrifty's Blog.

Thank you ladies!

And here are some other blogs well worth checking out: 

Mels Backyard - We love Mel, along with her straight talking. Her blog sometimes makes us laugh out loud & sometimes has us in tears... A wonderful brave woman!

Hillside House - Kath is inspiring, always on the go, always very jolly & has recently taken up vegetarian cookery!

 The Wandering Wonderers - A home educating family who took a year out to travel around organic farms in the UK & have now started a new life on a tiny Scottish Island. Love It!

Last Biscuit - Sooz is an inspiring young woman. She's into everything green, is vegan & makes lots of lovely things to sell!

Just Gai - Gai blogs about life in Bristol. She's trying to live greener & is planning to have 2 meat free days a week.

  Tarragon And Thyme  - Pattypan is another busy lady, always doing - while dreaming of a rural life. We're sure she'll get there one day!

Hope you enjoy checking these folks out!

Kay & Sime


  1. Hello Kay and Sime:
    Many, many congratulations not just on one award, but two. Riches indeed! It is always such fun too to be directed to new blogs which we shall enjoy looking at.

  2. You deserve them both, I love your energy and enthusiasm and you know something else, I love how close you are as a couple and as a family. It's a pleasure to be one of your cyber rellies LOL

    I'm just off to enjoy visiting all the blogs you mentioned. Kettle's on :-D

  3. Thank you for your kind mention and the plug, Kay. Your blog is interesting and thought provoking, too. :)

  4. Congratulations on your award.

    SFT X

  5. Thank you everyone - we're not very good at receiving & playing along with award rules... And have just realised that we haven't actually passed them on to anyone else... Nevermind!

    K&S xx


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Kay and Sime

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