Companion Beds

Why does it seem to be trendy to sleep in one of these?

Not sure how popular they are, but around here - couples even have matching single duvets.

Most of our private cleans are mainly for retired folks, but surely there must be some older couples who like to snuggle up?

It's kind of left us feeling like this is the way we're all expected to go...

We love our little pine bed & have had it for nearly 20 years.
It's where Hugo was born & all the kids used to pile in early in the morning many moons ago.
We couldn't imagine life with a king size bed, let alone twin mattresses - waving goodnight to each other over the vastness would be very odd.
Anyway, we rely on each other for warmth & enjoy curling up together...

On a different note, I've just finished off sending out invoices & filling our diary with this year's holiday let bookings & now I want to write a piece for our Transition Group's page in the Parish magazine. I've offered to do it & now can't think of anything to write... It's theme is about making our community greener, should it be about us & what we do? Or something more general? 
I don't know...
Perhaps some soup making will help inspire me!

I promised to make it some hours ago!

Sime's doing some finishing touches to our B&B room, so is going to arrive down here starving any minute now...


Kay :)


  1. OMG I want one (a pair that is)! when my husband turns over, it's like an earthquake and don't get me started about his duvet snatching. Yes, this is an invention meant for me :-)

  2. How about an article about your green cleaning business and then a general bit about how people could make use of green cleaning stuff in their homes instead of using stacks of chemicals :)

  3. Kath - I know you don't mean it really!

    Dreamer - Thank you, another great idea! May combine that with a post - we don't get around to talking much about our business on the blog, apart from moaning about it when we start getting busy!

    Kay :)

  4. just tell me where I can buy one!


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