
The sun was shining yesterday again, so after a fairly busy week - we decided to get out for a long walk.
We walked into Gorran Haven & took the coastal path back home...

Gorran Haven Harbour.
This part of the coastal path takes you around the Lamledra pennisula, which heads towards Vault beach...

Gorran Haven.

It was chilly, but warm in the sun...

Black clouds started coming over & we thought it was going to rain, but it stayed dry!

First sign of Spring...

Dodman Point ahead & the blue skies were back...

We made the most of the sunshine & stopped to eat...

With a lovely view of the beach...

Lamledra House.
We used to clean it, but quit after a year - because we only had 3 hours & felt we just couldn't get everything done - it sleeps 20! The owners are lovely though, but their budget is tight with constant maintenance. 
They do have some interesting guests there...

It got to 5pm & we still had a long way to go, so we left the path & took the road...

Cornish herringbone wall.

A last look back before going into the cold dark shade...

A view of the next bay, our beach...

We walked down to Hemmick just as the sun was setting...

And the temperature dropped...

We'd been walking for over 4 hours & now had to climb the steep road home...

But first, we had get through the gushing river over the lane.
With our last ounce of energy, we decided to climb the wall & run through it!
We then continued the journey home, staggering & groaning uphill...

We made it, but haven't half suffered today - our legs, hips & backs are definitely feeling their age...

And just for Kath... The woolly hats are gone - for now anyway!

Night, night.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Oh, this is just my kind of special day out.

    A Cornish coastal walk, just bliss!

    Love the primrose too!

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Sft x

  2. Thanks for posting the amazing photos. These are keeping me going until I can get back to Cornwall - hopefully this summer!

  3. Thank you SFT & Scarlet - this time of year is great, before it gets busy...

    Kay :)

  4. What a terrific walk you two had. You used to clean that huge house? In 3 hours? Oh my goodness girl, it makes me tired just thinking about it!
    xo Catherine

  5. hee hee!

    I do love your walks and your photos. It's so beautiful in your home county, aren't we lucky not to live in the town?
    I can just see you 2 running through that little stream, going "WEEEEEEE!"

  6. Thanks Catherine, we loved it, but we were never satisfied as we could get everything done...

    Thanks too Kath - don't know where that last spurt of energy came from!

    Kay :)


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