This Morning

After what seems like weeks of wind & rain...
I woke this morning to birdsong & sunshine!

So I threw open the window to take this...

Then quickly got dressed & dashed outside...

I hadn't realised how noisy the wind had been until it became peaceful again.
Being outside early just made me feel like taking a walk...

Sime has been feeling a bit grotty over the last couple of days, so I left him in the land of nod...

And took off to the beach... 

It's been a while since I've been further than this...

But I really wanted to go all the way today...

This water comes off the hillside & joins the sea.
The beach is on the right...

It's like a river at the moment...

Our lovely beach...

The water is so noisy you can barely hear what I'm wittering on about!

The walk back up the winding lane...

Nearly home & the sun started to come over the hill...

A beautiful start to the day...

So glad I did it & am feeling rejuvenated!

Kay xx


  1. I really enjoyed my walk with you Kay!
    Hope Sime is feeling better now?

  2. Thanks Kath!

    Sime's ok - think he'll survive...

    Kay :)

  3. What beautiful photos, you do live in a lovely part of the world!

  4. Thanks Sooz - we know, just would like to spend more time at home!

    Kay :)

  5. Hi there and thank you for following me along on my little 'crafte nook', this book is a wonderful book to get anyone back into knitting or starting from scratch, i am so glad that you got some inspiration from me showing it on my blog...the dishcloths are a lovely eco thing to begin with and you can pick up cotton craft yarn from any good craft shop....i shall be looking forward to seeing how you get on.
    Pixie x

  6. What a beautiful way to start the day. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Thanks Pixie - I'm determined to get going with my knitting!

    Thanks Mel - it's perfect this time of year, when there's no one around!

    Kay :)

  8. Thanks Guys - just reminded me even more why I am totally in love with Cornwall - the peace and quiet - I was there with you. A brief sojourn after a stressful few days at work. Its just the sort of thing I do go rambling early on when I am down there or just sitting watching the dawn come up.

    One day - you may have company.

    Take care



  9. Pattypan - that would be lovely, your on!

    Kay :)


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