Sea Glass

Yesterday was a bit dull, but we got up & fancied doing some beachcombing...

It was low tide & the beach opened out...

Again we had the place to ourselves...

Love it! 
And we found some sea glass to add to our collection...

What shall we do with it... Any ideas?

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Ooh lovely! I picked up loads at Port Isaac. I am planning to make a mobile. I think I will use silver wire to wrap round the pieces of glass. Next I need to find some drift wood for the top.
    Years ago, Lewis made me a heart from plaster of paris and set sea glass into it. I think he used a metal mould, which might have been a biscuit cutter.

  2. OOh lovely - The beach all to yourselves and beachcombing. Ah am deeply jealous!

    How about using the glass to make some jewellery; would look pretty effective and would be a refound item. Might be a nice little sideline for you. I love the subtlety of the washed glass. Very pretty. Or failing that use it like tessare in a mosaic.

    Take care


  3. I'm not sure what to do with it, but is sure is pretty.

  4. You've got some lovely walks near you and you take beautiful pictures and you've done it again. I've just given you an award

  5. Thank you Kath & Pattypan for your ideas - we'll do some research & keep you posted.

    Thanks Mel - apparently blue sea glass is valuable too!

    Thanks for the award Karin - we are thrilled that you would think of us!

    Kay :)

  6. I have loads of sea glass in a tall jar (I think it was a posh olive jar I nicked off a flatmate once!) on my windowsill, so the sunlight catches it!

  7. Sounds lovely Sooz - we found a couple more pieces yesterday too!

    Kay :)


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