Freedom Manifesto

We've had this poster on our kitchen wall for many years & thought the beginning of a new year is a good time to share it with you...

The last days of 2011 have been very busy for us.
 Full of great times with family & friends...

The Dolphins Fly had a great last gig of the year & are all fired with enthusiasm...

And New Year's Eve was fun...
Sime joined up with local band Tin Fins in our local village hall & we had a good night.

But I got very drunk...

Spent most of New Year's Day in bed...

And felt so much better later on...

Back to work tomorrow!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. I like your seasonal background, although it does emanate a certain chill.

    Not sure about Anarchy. Much as I'd like a different system of government, if we had anarchy someone is bound to steal that loaf of bread you made, not to mention your spade,horse, quill and compost. Chances are someone would feel like burning down the village hall, too.

    It is possible we have a fairly good system in an imperfect world.

  2. Happy new Year! Hope 2012 brings all good things to you and your family x

  3. Oh oh... Too much of the bubbly! ;)
    xo Catherine

  4. I love the poster. Happy New Year!!

  5. Happy New Year everyone - though I'm sure I've already said this to you all on your own blogs...

    Karin that's a good point, but we'd like to think of anarchy as living freely, with respect for others without any politics being enforced upon us - Wouldn't that be nice!

    Catherine, it was red wine - a couple of glasses is my usual limit, but I ended up having a few more...

    Kay :)

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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