First Attempt At Marmalade

We made our first ever batch of marmalade yesterday...
After doing loads of research & having advice from Pattypan - we took the plunge.

We bought a marmalade kit from Riverford
This contained Seville oranges & lemons - along with a recipe, which we found a bit complicated, so instead we looked on our bookshelf...

The recipe we eventually settled on was taken from: Val Harrison's book, We wanted to use brown sugar & this one looked easy to do - although now looking at it online, she's made some changes. Val now suggests to soak overnight, add a litre more water & to weigh the mixture before adding the sugar.

It took about 8 hours to do from start to finish & we've ended up with 8 jars of a delicious, though a bit dry (more peel than liquid) mixture. It hasn't set that well, but it's quite thick & it'll be fine - just hope we got the sterilising right...

We shall persevere & want to try adding interesting ingredients like cardamom & cloves...

We did it... 
And may just try it again next week!

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Good for you!!!

    Adding whiskey is pretty good too!

    Love Leanne

  2. Yum, love home made marmalade. We slightly over cooked the last lot and it was a bit caramelised but still tasted good (could pass it off as Oxford Marmalade, I suppose). Like the idea of adding cardamom.

  3. I'm making my first batch tomorrow, hoping that the jam thermometer I found in my Christmas stocking will take the angst out of testing for a perfect set!

  4. Well done - you will never buy marmalade again as home made beats bought every time. Bet you are tired now. Glad you are willing to repeat the experience.

    Take care



  5. Wow ~ good for you two! Homemade marmalade... mmmm... all you need is the hot buttered toast! Yum!
    xo Catherine

  6. Great job!! It is going to be delicious, I am sure!!

  7. Thanks everyone - we're eating it already & it's very good!

    Kay :)


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