Chums & Chocs

Poor Sal has pneumonia & has been signed off work for another 2 weeks...
She's already been ill for over a week!

She is very weak, but she has Ryan - who is doing a fine job of nursing her back to good health...
And just to help her along - we've taken various supplements over: Vitamin C, Zinc & Propolis- to give her immune system a boost, Acidophilus as she's on antibiotics & Eucalyptus oil to inhale. We also took onions, garlic, thyme, fresh ginger, honey & lemons which are all fantastic in helping the body to recover from respiratory problems.

The little chickpeas will be celebrating their 6th anniversary this year!
And are very happy, which is lovely!

We hadn't realised just how alike Sal & Hugo are!
When she's well, Sal wears contact lens & since Rose got a job in the same supermarket - they get mistaken for each other...

Rose & Asa just live 5 minutes away from Sal & Ryan, so we visited them afterwards... 

But forgot to take the camera, so here's a photo taken last Summer!
They are both happy bunnies too & have been together a few years now...

It's great & we're very proud of them all.

Another very good reason for visiting Falmouth...

Asa's family sent us some home made chocolates.
His Mum & Sister make the most amazing assortment of delicious treats...

And each year they seem to get better...

This year's are outstanding!!!
We think they should seriously think about selling them!

It's cold again tonight at chez Smith...
And poor Sime is suffering with his eye again & has a cold sore - brute force is now in place to make him better!

Hope you're all having a good weekend.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. We're blushing. So glad you enjoyed them. I do wonder about always sending you chocolates for Christmas but very pleased to hear that you're still enjoying them. Sets us a high benchmark to aim for next year.

    Lesley (and Ellen)

  2. My husband loves coffee chocs- they're hard to get.
    If Lesley and Ellen start making them, we'll be regular customers!

  3. I hope Sal gets better soon.

  4. Lesley - They are wonderful & I could happily scoff the lot, but we're just having a couple a day, they go further then!

    Kath - I love coffee chocs too & the coffee cup one is this year's favourite for me!

    Karin - Thank you, I'm sure she will & we feel better now we've seen her!

    Kay :)


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