Graduating Kidlets

We've had a hectic few days, but were thrilled to be sharing some nice times...  

We were invited to Rose's graduation at Truro Cathedral... 

The ceremony wasn't kicking in until 11am.
 But it was suggested we got there early to ensure a seat...
(This was taken at 9.30am)!

It was certainly a grand setting & each graduate got a chance to be in the limelight, as they were called up one by one...

And handed their scroll...

Our lovely proud & happy girl...
With her Foundation Degree in Graphic Design & Communication.

The same girl who just a few years ago was painfully shy & would wear her hair over her face to hide...
Finding the confidence to go to college was not easy for Rose, but she did it & wanted to do it. 
Fortunately, she had a great tutor & lecturers who encouraged her to use her wild & wonderful ideas for projects...
 Since then - she has blossomed!

The only girl there wearing baseball shoes...
Afraid she takes after her scruffy parents!
Well done Baba xx ;)

Next up is Hugo...

A very different kind of graduation...

A typical Circo Kernow event - a bit chaotic & last minute, but still a lovely evening!
There was a vegan buffet, which was a nice surprise too.

It was announced that each graduate should get up & perform for their certificate.
A flip of a coin decided what had to be incorporated - Heads for circus props & Tails for fruit & vegetables!
So there were hat tricks...

Chipmunk impressions with grapes...

Juggling with peppers...

Competitions in picking up grapes with only feet on the floor...

More grape tricks...

Pepper eating...

And celery stick balancing...

He's quite normal really...

Each graduate was then presented with their certificates...

National Certificate of Further Education in Performing.
Well done Matey xx :)

And just because we feel guilty leaving Sal out...

She graduated last year before we started the blog...

Both Sal & Ryan graduated from Plymouth Uni.
BA (Hons) in Photography :)

The most important thing to us is that they are happy.
They don't need qualifications to make us feel proud, but we are proud of them all for finding something they like & sticking with it.
 For continuing to be the mature(ish), sensible bunch that they are.

Unlike their parents...

Thank Goodness!!!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. There's nothing to beat the pride and joy a parent feels when a child succeeds. And you're right, it doesn't have to be academic, just anything that demonstrates their unique human potential. Congratulations all round.

  2. Nice one glad you have had a lovely time its so pleasing to see them do so well - especially after the thought and hard work that goes into things. Totally different ceremonies but each as special as the other. Give them chance they will be following in your footsteps in due course - guaranteed besides its not scruffy its getting older disgracefully in your own inimitable style - makes life far more interesting and keeps everyone on their toes.

    Take care



  3. You must be so pleased to see your children succeed and I'm sure you are justly proud. It's always heartening to know that we did something right as parents, isn't it?

  4. You should be proud. You have done a great job as parents.

  5. I was just about to type exactly what Mel has said.
    Well done everyone, is Sime waving? (waves back!).

  6. Thank you everyone & Kath - yes he was...

    Kay :)


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