Low Impact Living

We may not have taken part in the last No Impact Week, but we continue to live as simply as we can.
Now there are only 3 of us in the house, our rubbish & recycling has gone down & we only put it out once a fortnight. The water is heated with oil & is on much less now - 45 minutes twice daily, which gives us more than enough hot water. We haven't put the oil heating on yet & hope to get through this Winter without it!
We have our open fire, still haven't got around to buying a wood burner & have thought now that maybe we won't bother here - we'll see.
We're using eco logs on the fire, which we have bartered for in return for some cleaning & use hot water bottles & the kitties to keep us warm if we want to settle in the dining room for the evening.
This Winter we hope to really get full use of our freezer & stock it up with plenty of home made food. We still buy from The Granary, our local wholefood wholesaler, so rarely set foot in a supermarket & our organic veg boxes are delivered each week. We have 2 large compost bins on the go which produce fantastic compost & next year we will definitely be cutting down on our work, so will try to grow more of our own food.

Sime & I have been members of our local transition group since it started up 3 years ago & at last...

Our community has it's turbines...

Ella first put up notices for locals to get together & make our area greener & wind turbines were our first goal...
Click here to see them in action!

It's two years since we held a film night to show...

The Age Of Stupid.

And to think back then how lots of folks were opposed to wind turbines...
Now everyone seems happy & wants to invest in them!
We hope now that the success will have a positive effect on our transition group & that the 8 of us will soon grow to many more...

  Sime's getting better & the sun is shining!

Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Sounds like a lovely existence to me - I can't wait til we have our own house and have some kind of fire; whether open fire or wood burning stove :)

  2. OOh I couldnt live in a house without an open fire.
    You sound as if you're doing wonderfully well, with your low impact lives. As my son would say "Respect!"

  3. Sounds like you have a much lower impact lifestyle than most of us.

    However, how do you clean your loo? Do you scrape your limescale, too? http://aroundbritainnoplane.blogspot.com/2011/11/running-out-of-loo-roll.html

  4. Thank you Nic - we would love a wood burning stove, they are much more efficient than open fires & you can warm food & a kettle on it!

    Kath - We love our fire too! Thank you.

    Karin - Thank you. We would like to do better, if it was our own place we'd not have oil & we'd have compost loos... We've used Bio D loo cleaner for years, their products always come up top with Ethical Consumer & 2 of our 3 loos are dual flush. We used to do the 'only flush when necessary' bit, but it's really hard work to keep the loos clean & not very pleasant!

    Kay :)

  5. Your life sounds wonderful.

  6. Thanks Mel - it's not everyone's cup of tea, but we're happy!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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