Walking In Wales

We decided to walk to a community cafe which was just up the road taking the scenic route... 

Across some marshland...

And over the river...

But first we played 'Pooh Sticks'! 

Llyn Dinas

Hugo found a rope swing...

And Sime found an abandoned glove & frying pan...

We joined the road for the last bit of the walk...

Past the strange little bunk houses...

And we arrived at the cafe...
Which was closed!!!

So we set off around the other side of the lake...
Little did we know how long it would take & we were hungry too!

It certainly was beautiful...
(But we went over 8 of those stiles)!

But hunger was causing us to flag...

Nearly at the end...

Looking back...

The last hour felt like we were getting nowhere...

But we finally reached the end...

Just before it got too dark...

4 hours longer than we'd expected...

But we still had time for smiles...
Just about!!!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Hmmmm.....someone must have one cold hand and unable to fry their fish! ;)
    xo Catherine

  2. I am enjoying your holiday :-D

  3. Catherine - It's a bit odd, perhaps they left in in rush!

    Kath - Thank you!

    Kay :)


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