Palas Print

We love bookshops 
& got quite excited when we found a directory in The Guardian.

guardian directory

On reading this entry  we thought we should check out Palas Print.

It was just a few miles drive & we enjoyed a couple of hours -browsing, sitting, reading, drinking coffee & in the end bought 5 more books for our shelves!

The Welsh owners were lovely & very knowledgeable about books & authors.
When we said we had visited on the  strength of their write-up in the newspaper - they gave us 20 % too & didn't charge for the coffee!

We felt very welcome & comfortable just browsing.

A great afternoon!


  1. Oh the joy of a lovely book store! Mmmm...I can almost smell it! How fun to get 20% off and free coffee! Good stuff!
    xo Catherine

  2. Sounds like my kind of place.


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