And Then There Were Three

We arrived home to an empty house on Friday night...

Rose & Asa are hopefully settled into their new home & the kitties are still at the cattery as one of the owners has been taken ill & so we've been asked to leave them until today - at no extra charge...

We have had a wonderful holiday, lots of fun & time relaxing & probably soon we're going to bore you all stupid with our photos & thoughts on the places we've visited!

We'd forgotten just how beautiful Wales is & even though the weather wasn't great - we've still enjoyed every minute!

Bye for now,

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Glad you have had a lovely holiday and feeled refreshed and fighting fit. Look forward to your posts about said holiday (once you have yourselves sorted). Its always sad when youngsters flee the nest sad in one sense and happy in another.

    Take care



  2. Seems like you've been away for ages!
    I know I'm nosy, but what is that fab Celtic hanging behind you?
    You know me, I am fascinated by other peoples nick nacks LOL

  3. You can bore me stupid anytime - I love your photos.

  4. Thank you Pattypan looking forward to catching up!

    Kath - It's a huge 'Green Man' hanging, we've had it for years - he just moves around with us & keeps a watchful eye!

    Mel - thank you!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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