By Jove

I'm starting to feel better, my heart is slowing down (a little), but at least it's in the right direction...
I've even been able to iron work bed linen - without breaking into a sweat...
 We've cleaned a large house today & for the first time ever - Sime was hotter than me!

An over active thyroid is difficult to live with.
And even harder is to see what my pig-headedness does to Sime.
He gets all ate up when I refuse help & I have watched him become exhausted with the extra pressure of holding me together.
A few days ago, I started taking the anti-thyroid drug - Carbimazole.
I hate giving in & I hate taking it, but if it makes Sime feel better - I have to do it.
The good thing is (in my opinion) - it takes between 6 to 8 weeks to kick in, but I'm already improving!

Which means my herbal mixture of tinctures must be working...
I'm taking mainly bugleweed with small doses of lemon balm & motherwort.
I've also just started taking lemon verbena tea.
I know that hyperthyroid sufferers tend to lack calcium & previously I was prescribed Calc. Carb homoeopathic remedy, so I'm taking a supplement - along with some really good vitamins & a probiotic liquid.
The only thing I haven't tried is Kelp.
Small doses of iodine are supposed to be good, but even iodised salt sends my heart racing & my thyroid throbbing.
Having done some more research, I've found someone who took a homoeopathic form of iodine & it cured her, so I was wondering if it could do the same for me. I would certainly prefer it to the radio active stuff...
Read this.

Anyway, I'm not dwelling on it all, because I will get better & I'd rather suffer now & again than have my thyroid removed or killed off.

We are off to Stoke again after work on Sunday, we've got more meetings with adult services for Bebe & I'm glad we're going...
It will be just the 2 of us again & it'll be nice to have time to enjoy ourselves, relax & eat properly!!!

Talking of food - I'm hungry...

Who's making supper?

Kay :)


  1. I did smile when I saw the title of this post. When we lived in Bucks we went to see a Bon Jovi tribute band, called By Jovi LOL

    Glad you are feeling a little better Kay, soon be home and back to peace and quiet again. Hope everything gets sorted out for Bebe.

  2. Very happy to hear that you are feeling better.

  3. That is so good that you are feeling a bit better. Our health is so important! Big hugs! xo Catherine

  4. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better, Kay.

  5. Thank you Kath, Mel, Catherine & Karin.

    Having a few days off work is good for both of us too!

    Kay :)


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