Circo Kernow Students 2011

We've been blown away by Hugo & Co...

They've been studying circus performance skills for only 1 or 2 sessions over 10 weeks...
And we've picked out a selection of the best photos...
The group are mainly aged between 14 & 18...
And they also learned how to put up the big top & prepare for a show.

They each tried all the activities & discovered what they prefer to do...

We've known some of the kids for a while, so it was great to see what they have achieved...

Even those we didn't know still managed to amaze us...

The group have also learnt Makulele...

And Capoeira...

Which was fun to watch...

Hugo's chosen skill was mime...

We were surprised by his confidence & of course we had no idea what to expect...

But we have been very impressed!

With all of them...

Rowan is 14...

And these 2 were wonderful...

Jake is climbing down the rope...

Just stunning...


And brilliant!

Emma was also the girl on the silk rope...

The Hula Hoop girls wowed us all!

Then the finale...

And taking a bow...

You can see the group performing in the middle of Truro, where they appeared as statues to advertise their show. 



  1. Wow!! How much fun was that!! They all did a fabulous job!!

  2. Well done Hugo! What a unique opportunity.

  3. Very fun! Looks like everyone was having an excellent time!
    Happy weekend Mr. & Mrs. Smith!! ;)
    xo Catherine

  4. Looks it was a fun evening for the audience and the performers. I liked Hugo's costume, he really looked the part.

  5. Thank you all!

    Hugo's had a wonderful time at the circus school. He's quite keen continuing with mime & statue work...

    Watch this space!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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