Catch Up

It's been quite a surprise to be having hot weather in July & August...
Something we haven't experienced since 1976!

Great if you're on holiday - not so good if you're spending most of your time indoors cleaning other people's houses...

And why do older people keep their windows closed (& locked) during hot weather?

The last 6 days has been like working in a sauna - One consolation is we get to work with these views...

On route to a house we spent 3 days cleaning...

It's on a tiny peninsula...

And it feels more like an island...

Sime cleaning the conservatory...

And the view from the shower room...

A meal at Heligan, in between jobs...

The Air Ambulance landing in the field next to another cottage we clean...

Our first community wind turbine going up...

Morris Dancers outside our local pub...

With the 'oss...

They finished off with a sing-a-long inside the pub...

Curry in Truro last night...

Sunset over Boscawen Park in Truro...


The sky was beautiful...

Archie Brown's feast for 2 in Truro...

Our new dresser - which we bought last week...
One day, we'll finish that room off!

It's been a busy few days & this is only the half of it...

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Glad you okay you certainly have been out and about. Been too hot here,major thunder lightning and torrential rain early afternoon. And its been at it again this evening. Its terribly humid as well and the rain only seems to have made it hotter. I have been out this evening and just got dropped off by friends when my friend over the road came tootling along. She had lost her kitten, so there's me like a plonker looking for the inappropriately named "Tiddles" in the dark in her garden. He came to me so peace is restored until he does it again. I am off up for an early night as I have to walk into work again tomorrow (hope its not raining). Take care and enjoy your few days off. I like the dresser.


  2. You both have been busy, but I agree, the views are worth it. I really like the dresser you bought.

  3. It seems we all love the dresser! I am also very impressed with the huge plates of delicious food. Cleaning houses obviously does wonders for your appetites.

  4. Thank you Pattypan, Mel & Gai - we haven't managed to finish off our living room yet... Hopefully, one day we'll have time & energy to finish it off!


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Kay and Sime

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