Temporary Residents

There must now be around a thousand people staying in our little hamlet...

SX0039 : Looking along the SWC towards Boswinger by Row17

When there are usually about thirty of us, but now & for the next 6 weeks we have to put up with the disruption - which comes from being sandwiched between a youth hostel & a camp site.

We don't blame folks wanting to have a piece of this beautiful place...

Our beach is one of the loveliest in Cornwall...

Enjoy your holiday people... Roll on September!

In the meantime, here is a sneaky peek at our living room...

The only before pic we took...

After - slightly less cluttered too!

Sime's got the pictures back up...

Just got to sort out the floor... 
We've discovered hard board under the carpet - we think there's a slate floor underneath.
Sometime soon, when the old furniture is all out - we'll have a think about what to do...

Bye for now...

Kay & Sime xx


  1. What a difference a coat of paint and a tidy up makes :-D
    What are those dangly things over the firebreast Kay, are they lights?(just being nosy).
    I do like the purple haired lady, whats the story with that particualr picture?

  2. Thanks Kath - yes the dangly things are lights. Rattan Christmas lights... We liked them so much that we kept them up!

    The purple lady is a painting our Daughter, Rose did some years ago - she has a great imagination!

    Kay :)

  3. LOVE the green!!
    And the lights!!
    And the picture!!
    Can I come and live with you?

  4. Thanks Mel - we have a spare room!

  5. Wow she is very talented. I really like that, it makes me think of Morgane-le-faye.


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Kay and Sime

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