Frump To Funk

We have worked really hard again over the last few days & the change in weather has meant it's become a lot cooler...

We were expecting some free time this week, but even though today we are at home there is still so much to do - there's bread to make, cleaning stuff to order, tax returns to do, bed linen for 4 properties to iron & as usual Sime has other plans...

For a while now, he has wanted to re-vamp our living room - a room we only ever use in Winter because it has an open fire...

So, spurred on by the windy wet weather - we have now been planning some changes to furniture & decoration.
We have decided to buy a wood burning stove, a futon & some bright green paint!

For the six years we have lived here, we have never liked that room - it has our landlord's 1960s carpet & it just feels dark & dingy... 
We want a room that will feel cosy & inviting, a quiet place we can retreat to at the end of the day & at last we're making it happen! 
It's not an easy task - we have so many books, furniture & junk to move, but we'll get there...

Neither of us have ever been interested in making our home pretty with matching bits & pieces, most of our furniture has been given to us or it's just old junk. 
It's never been important to us, we've always preferred to spend on a decent vehicle for travelling & holidays.
Maybe that's because we've never found a home we've wanted to spend the rest of our lives in...

But it's lovely having the chance to live somewhere like this...

With this view at the back...

And this view from our garden...

We love this house & it's surrounds, but it's not ours - we don't know when we'll leave here, but we do know that it will have to be a very special place!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Your home looks lovely, you have some beautiful views! Happy decorating! :)

  2. You live in a wonderful setting Kay, I bet there are a lot of envious blog friends out there :-D
    I'm sure you can make the house more like home without spending too much. Maybe you can start that quilt you wanted to make and throw it over the back of a chair, for starters.

  3. Your views are breathtaking. Can't wait to see the changes you make. That is if you decide to share. Love the new background of the blog. Makes me hungry.

  4. Sooz - thank you, decorating is nearly done!

    Kath - Thank you, just wished we had more time to do more... My quilt has only 2 squares so far!

    Mel - Thank you, yes we will unveil the finished room soon!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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