Three Lanes, Rain & Automobiles

We've travelled over 300 miles today in torrential rain...
We set off early to avoid the traffic, but the rain slowed us down.
The journey has taken 7 hours & our first port of call was to see Bebe (Sime's Mum).
She was diagnosed with vascular dementia last year & so far she has managed with daily visits from a care agency to continue living on her own.
Today, we've been quite shocked at how she has deteriorated over the last 3 months & surprised that the care staff haven't contacted us...
Her home is neglected, her rubbish has built up, her clothes unwashed & she looks totally bedraggled...
We've got our work cut out over the next couple of days & how long do we let her carry on like this?
Such difficult decisions...

Sime full of concentration...

Hugo sleeping in the back...


My favourite car!
A 40 year old Morris Minor Traveller.

And an old Austin campervan...

Brekkie stop...

Sime's veggie fry-up...

Finally in the hotel...

Early night tonight - Busy day tomorrow!!!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. I'm so sorry that Sime's mom is not doing well. It's always hard to see our parents deteriorate. That is sure some nasty weather you are having to drive in. I hope Mother Nature turns a little more agreeable!!

    Travel safe!
    xo Catherine

  2. We had a Morris Minor when I was a child. It was dark green and we called it Peter Morris. The distinctive sound of the engine takes me right back to those early years.

  3. You are both caring and concientious to be travelling up to check on MIL.
    When I worked with elderly ladies with dementia, nearly all their families had dissapeared into the background leaving social services to get on with looking after them.
    SOmetimes our manager would leave phone messsages when there was a problem and the family would not even ring us back!

    Good for you that you still care and lucky old MIL that she has family support.

  4. I am sorry to hear about Sime's mum. It sounds like you may have to make some difficult decisions soon. Big hugs for you both.

  5. Greetings to both Kay
    Really sorry to read about Simes mum. Give him a big hug from me and the lads, and he's a super cool chap
    X mart

  6. Thanks Catherine, Mel, Kath & Mart - We'll be going back up again soon, so many folks to meet up with & stuff to sort...

    Gai, I've always wanted a green one - Sime bought me a toy one years ago! One day I'll have the real thing...

    Mart, I know - that's why I married him!!!

    Kay :)


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