
I've not been feeling right for a while...
The last few days have especially been difficult & I'd started to convince myself that my thyroid was playing up again! 

This morning I woke up & it just came to me - perhaps I'm anaemic...

Pretty sure I'm right, so have bought Iron & Vitamin C supplements to give me a boost.

I had anaemia with each pregnancy & I fixed it with Spatone.

Now I'm going through the menopause - it looks like it's caught up with me again!

I bet there aren't many people who are happy to be anaemic!!!

We've had the day off today & have spent a few hours on The Lizard in beautiful sunshine...

Will post some photos soon!

Kay :)


  1. Oh oh ~ hope you get feeling better soon Kay!
    Big hug!
    xo Catherine

  2. Wow look at all that sunshine!
    Thank heavens there are supplements now days and you don't have to eat plates of raw liver like my Nan did URGH!!!

  3. Feel better soon.

  4. Thank you Catherine, Kath & Mel... Am
    feeling much better now!

    Kay :)


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