The Lizard

Here are some of the photos from our trip to The Lizard on Tuesday. 
The most southerly tip of mainland Britain... 
St Winwaloe Church is on the beach near Gunwalloe.

Weather beaten grave stones.

An interesting graveyard addition!

Inside the tiny church.

The roof.

The overgrown, but interesting graves...

The Norwegian crew whose boat sank off the Cornish coast during the storms of Christmas 1915!

A German pilot who was killed in action in 1941.

One of the beaches in Church Cove...

And the other one!

The picturesque village of Gunwalloe. 

And a very nice Cornish Cream Tea!

We've had beautiful weather again today - perhaps we're finally going to have a proper Summer?

That'd be nice - we may even dig the tents out & have a few days camping!!!

Bye for now,

Kay & Sime xx


  1. What an interesting place. Your treat looks yummy. We had rain all day, but it is supposed to be nice all week. Hope you get to use your tents.

  2. Wow, the lizard looks beautiful! Look at those blue skies too! We're having hot weather as well - 34 degrees yesterday! phew!

  3. Lovely photos Kay! I have a friend who lives at Cadgwith, but its years since we visited.
    One of the things I was looking forward to, moving to Somerset, was its closer proximity to Cornwall.
    Cant wait for our holiday in Port Isaac!
    Yes I agree, we have waited a long time for summer. The festival is over, so need for any more rain LOL
    Spotted girls in Sainsburies this morning, with sunburned legs, but only half way down their calves, to where their wellies were LOL

  4. Lovely photos :) I have always wanted to visit Cornwall and aim to do so one day!

  5. Mel - We're hoping to go camping on The Lizard, it's really lovely!

    Sooz - We had a thunder storm today & it's not hot like yesterday!

    Kath - Cadgwith is lovely! I bet it's a relief when the festival is over - the roads are probably thinning out now, saw some photos of the flooding there...

    Nic - Have you booked your honeymoon yet? If not, think about Cornwall - there are lots of romantic places to stay!

    Kay :)


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