Growing Up

Having time away from work is great & since Hugo is doing his circus class, it is a good excuse to get out & about. He's also doing a second day, but it's on one of our busiest days, so for the first time in his life - he's now travelling the 30 miles by train independently! We've not forced him into, he has just decided for himself - which is great!
The only problem is that because he's so tall now, the rail staff are not believing that he's only 14 - so he's being asked to pay adult prices! 
 He is going to use his passport next time to make sure they give him the right ticket!

Although we're loving having the opportunity to do whatever we want to do, we are also starting to feel quite redundant as parents...
The girls grew up years ago & Hugo has been our baby for so long, but I'm really impressed with his mature attitude & I'm sure as soon as he can - he'll be off, not in a desperate way - but just in a spreading his wings kind of way!

Anyway, getting back to today...

We had a few errands to do in Truro, so we treated ourselves to a rather nice grown up afternoon tea...

It's right in the centre of Truro...

So is great for people watching!

And luckily we picked a quiet day.

Our food was very good...

And so was the company!

Kay :)


  1. Independent travel is a real milestone. Lovely that it gives the parents some independence too :-) I'm sure Asa's told you about his similar age/height/travel experiences - like being asked for his college pass at age 11.

    Not tried that tea rooms yet - will have to go when we're down in September.

  2. I can start to see bigger and bigger glimpses of parental redundancy too. Exciting and daunting and poignant all at once :) Looks like you are making the most of it!

  3. They grow up so fast, don't they? Your time together looks like fun. Enjoy every minute.

  4. Its about 5 years since we last in Truro, but we loved it, there was a market on I seem to remember.

    Yes it's mixed feelings when they grow away. I always shed a few tears when my son leaves after staying with us, but it is nice to have the house back to ourselves.
    I do miss the dog sitting he provided when he lived at home, but not coming in at all hours of the night and waking us up :-D

    Nowdays when he does come "home" he's genuinely pleased to see us LOL

  5. Hi Lesley - Yes Asa's said! The tea house is lovely, you'll like it.

    Nic - I think it's harder for home ed parents, as we've spent so much more time with our kids. Though it is nice being able to do grown up things now!

    Mel - They grow up too fast, but it's just as nice having older kids - just different!

    Kath - We really like Truro, there's a farmer's market on Wednesdays & Saturdays which is good.

    We're lucky in that our kids can't roll in at all hours, before the girls could drive, they had to rely on us. The last bus is at 5.30pm - living in the sticks has it's bonuses!

    Kay :)

  6. When our son was 14 he flew to Spain on his own. He's only been on one holiday with us since that, a couple of years ago, but he just doesn’t want to do the same things as us. Anyway, he's 22 now and goes to places like Turkey and France with his mates.


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