Back On Track

What a difference a few days make...
Wow, the extra Iron & Vitamin C are obviously just what I needed!
For the first time in ages - I cooked dinner last night, made porridge this morning & have pottered about after work today. Without realising, Sime's been gradually propping me up, but now... I'm back & it feels great!!!

Life is wonderful again.

We are busy, which is ok now I'm not exhausted, but it does make us think more about what we really want to be doing... 
At the moment, it is to own a small cafe - with room for second-hand books & instruments. This dream has been around for many years, but we both think it's going to come to us soon. 
It just feels like something is about to happen! 

We also want to be simplifying our life even more. At some point in the near future, Rose & Asa will be leaving us & then it will be just the three of us - do we stay in this large house, or do we move to a smaller place? 
We want to have the opportunity to grow our own food, to have a proper veg plot outside our back door, to live somewhere incredibly remote, without mains water & electricity. We want to generate our own power, drink fresh spring water & be surrounded by woodland. 
One day soon, we know we will have all this. 

I have always believed that wishing for things hard enough makes them happen & nine times out of ten - it works!

For now, we will enjoy every moment of every day, take good care of ourselves, continue to live as simply as possible, spend days in beautiful places, make time for each other & enjoy just being...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Love Kay & Sime xx


  1. Kay,
    I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. You are so right - if you wish for something hard enough it will happen. Your wishes sound wonderful and I hope they come true.

  2. Sounds like a recipe for a wonderful life.
    How exciting to be making plans for the furture, I'm sure all good things will come to you.
    Glad you're bouncing back Kay.

  3. Thanks Mel - we're wishing hard for you & Sam too! XX

    Thank you too Kath... We're always making plans & coming up with new ideas!

    Kay :)

  4. I'm glad to hear you've got your energy back, Kay. It sounds like you rectified the situation before it got too bad.

  5. So glad you are feeling better Kay! I think it sounds like you have a very good dream ~ and I hope you two can make it come true!

    Wishing you a terrific week!
    xo Catherine

  6. Thank you Karin & Catherine - the sunshine helps too!

    Kay :)


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