A Week In The Life Of Zombies

 We've had a week of hassle, cock-ups & frustrating times with our work...
Folks wanting to turn up early at holiday lets (in one case - a day early), owners wanting to re-arrange plans at the last minute, guests getting lost en route to their holiday properties, a one-off job that got cancelled due to the keyholder forgetting to give us the key & yesterday we discovered a family were waiting at a house we hadn't even prepared! 

After a full day's work, when we felt we could do no more - we were thrown into disarray & had to greet the poor family who had travelled over 300 miles, arriving in Cornwall to house that wasn't ready - Whoops! This is the first time we've ever let anyone down & were convinced that it was the agency who had neglected to tell us, but on return home - we found an email sent several weeks ago... We take care of 2 properties with that agency & they sent the info on one mail, we only saw the bookings for the first house & didn't think to scroll down, so it's our fault - though the agency are a pile of crap anyway! 
Somehow, we managed to remain cheerful, got the job done amazingly fast & even won the guests over - as you can imagine, they were a bit cheesed off when we first met... 

It feels like this week has been a dream, not only have we been busy at work, but it was our turn as volunteers at the home education group...

We also made the effort to visit some friends, who we haven't seen properly since Halloween! 
It's terrible & none of us can believe that life has passed us by so quickly... 
We had a lovely evening, just great to catch up & so nice to be in the company of good friends - we talked & laughed for hours, felt ourselves unwind & relax (as we always do when we go to visit). Being with them has a very warm & comforting effect on us - so much so, that it's always difficult to leave... 
Thank you, SJ&MB xxx

Then of course, there's been two gigs for Sime - one with each band...

Friday night we went off to Fowey with The Dolphins Fly.
The guys started off playing to a disinterested crowd, but they soon had them enthralled & folks were loving them by the end of the night!
June '09 by

Last night, Sime played his penultimate gig with Mr Beat - the covers band which he's been in for 3 years. He joined the Dolphins back in February & quickly realised that he couldn't concentrate on both bands. The guys in Mr B have put up with his restlessness for some time... He's been desperate to play new venues & try out some challenging songs & he now has all this in the Dolphins.
Sime has known the drummer, Gav for many years as they were in a band together when we first moved to Cornwall & over the last couple of years - we've also got to know his Wife, Sally. She's a bit of a local celebrity, not only a talented poet, but also a presenter on Radio St Austell Bay!
Sime intends to keep in touch with the guys & we both want to continue to see Gav & Sal - such a great couple & we look forward to our next curry buffet with them...

I had an even more enjoyable evening last night, as we were joined by our friend Sheila - it's always lovely to have the time to catch up, even if it was difficult to talk when there's a noisy band playing in the background! When we're together there's always so much to talk about & as usual, we vowed to not leave it so long.
It's just ridiculous, when we only live a couple of miles from each other... 
Sometimes work gets in the way of what is important in life & this week has made us realise how much we enjoy being in the company of our friends - we are very lucky to have such lovely people in our lives & won't forget that!

Tired, but happy!

So after such a busy week - we decided to skive today & start early tomorrow!

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Whoops a daisy - Its easy to miss things on email - what about a wall planner as a visual - quicker to look at as well. Glad you okay though and got to chill with your friends - am glad that the Dolphins are becoming more popular they deserve it. Just take care and you go steady too. Catch up soon


  2. I am so happy to see this post. I was beginning to worry about you two.
    Sounds like an insane week, but at least you had some time to spend with friends.

  3. Thank you Pattypan & Mel. We're hoping for a quieter time this week... Which will be nice!

    Kay :)

  4. Oh my stars ~ you have been busy! No wonder your bliss for today was to go to sleep early!! :)

    Sweet Dreams!
    xo Catherine


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