Late Night Waffle

It's going to be very exciting next week - when we switch over to our new ISP...
Just hope all our signal problems will be resolved. At the moment, every day is different - some days we can get on to a few websites, other days it's just emails, so looking forward to having a little continuity back!

 We've just decided that a trip to the local internet coffee shop may be needed tomorrow... As amongst other things, we have a son-out-law who needs to be wished happy birthday (Ryan, if you see this - sorry you know what we're like... Prezzie & card will be hand delivered on Friday :) Have a lovely day matey)!!!

Anyway, Sime thinks folks will find this video funny...

Us Being Us

Anyone would think we've got nothing better to do!

It gets worse..

Yes - I am married to an insane man!

The other thing we have to do is upload a film we took today & frustratingly can't get it on... 
The weather has changed drastically here & today it's been very windy & the tide really high, so we filmed the high waves down at Portmellon. 
Hopefully, we'll get it on the blog tomorrow - our camera is amazing!

For now here's a photo from today, on our way to a rather grand house which is down a very steep path by the sea - not only was it windy, but very cold too!

Bye for now.

Kay  & Sime xx


  1. Nice to see you back. Thank you for the birthday wishes too. Love the photos, and look forward to seeing you back on a regular basis. How did the weekend go? Hope you had a good time. Weather has gone perishing here too and its been very windy. Had to put the heating back on tonight. Take care catch you soon



  2. Reading what you two are up is the highlight of my day. Damn, you are wonderful!!

  3. Thank you both for your lovely comments!

    Pattypan - our weekend was great thank you!

    Mel - we're just idiots who never get anything done!

    Kay :)

  4. Love you, you nutters. You cheer me up. Looking forward to when you get your new internet and post more regularly again. Better still, see you in person soon. Ooh, you can meet my crazy mother!


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Kay and Sime

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