Fruit & Nut Cases

We've had lots of messages from folks saying what nutters we are for driving through the waves the other day, though I don't know why I'm included - I didn't want to do it!
Saying that - we are used to driving through it, though neither of us have ever seen the sea that high before! 

Some years ago, we had a French student staying with us, Sime thought he would like to experience high tide down there, so he took him & Hugo .
They decided to take a chance, got out of the car, went up to the water's edge & then realised that a massive wave was about to hit them, they ran & jumped behind the wall of the end house. 
Needless to say - the wave shot over the wall & the three of them ended up drenched!
We've also heard stories of cars being swept away in that very cove - which is why the bollards are there...

Anyway, Sime wouldn't have taken a chance if he thought we were in danger... 

We really have to get to bed now. 
We have an early start tomorrow... Followed by a late night! 
We have 3 properties to prepare & then all the family are off to Sime's gig in Falmouth, so we'll get to see Sal & Ryan - which will be lovely!

Night, night.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Sounds like it is going to be a long day. Have fun!!

  2. You clearly don't like life to be dull, but that doesn't mean that you are mad necessarily. I hope the gig goes well tonight.

  3. Thank you both - It's nice to be on the other side of all that work & now we're off to enjoy ourselves!

    Kay :)

  4. I like dodging waves. One of the funniest moments though was with my father. On holiday in Wales at Talybont near Barmouth. I had been in the sea for quite some time and my Dad came out to meet me - he opened his mouth to speak to me and got sloshed in the mouth full on by a wave turning. He promptly lost his false teeth which were washed away. One grumpy father and by was he grumpy! 9 hours later, on beach patrol looking for his teeth. we found them washed up. How lucky was that. To add insult to injury my brother had made friends with a lad on the site we were on; in a much later conversation it came out that his Dad made false teeth for a living. So one way or the other Dad would have been okay. That's what happens when you dodge waves.

    Hope you are both okay and have a lovely evening



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