
We're finding work so hard at the moment. The two cleans today have been spring cleans - step ladders, extending dusters, buckets of hot soapy water & exhausting elbow grease... The folks we've worked for are all lovely & very grateful for everything we do, but when they say things like: "If you have time, could you just do..." We feel obliged to do it all & it really is a challenge at times. Today was one of those days & now we've been home for several hours - we're beginning to ache, but at least we feel satisfied that we did it all.

It was a very different story at the weekend, one of the holiday lets we clean is attached to the owner's house. The owner always comes in & drives us mad with silly requests to do unnecessary tasks, one such task is for me to go into the grounds & find several flowers to place into old bottles... I do this each week, but the other day - she saw my pathetic attempts & said that she will show me how to do it properly. To make matters worse, Sime is sniggering behind her back & I'm feeling like a scolded school child! He knew that if she kept it up - I was going to flip... I did, but not massively. She wasn't affected by my little outburst & just remained annoyingly calm. On leaving, we both agreed that it's another job we'll give up before long. We've got far too much work & we still get calls to take on more, last week we decided to turn extra work down. Then I ended up getting persuaded by 2 owners to do them a one-off clean each. Why did I do that? Just a bloody pushover... So we're going to be even busier in the next few weeks!

We love the fact that we work for ourselves & know that we are in control. We don't have to take any crap from anyone & it's great to be calling the shots, but for us - there's more to life. Travel & music are very much on the cards, as they always have been since we've been together... We have always imagined that our lives would be spent on the road & when not travelling - we'd be in our little log cabin in a secluded forest & right now this dream is feeling more achievable than ever. I truly believe that things are really happening - our business began by just thinking big. We gave the impression that we were a professional company & within weeks of placing ads on our local notice boards, we were getting calls from lots of people & now we have that company. It could get bigger if we wanted it to, but we don't want the hassle - why bother changing if we're happy? We're going to give it up at some point, but it's been fantastic - we've met so many lovely people through it, we get to spend time in some amazing properties & all these folks trust us with the keys to some grand places. That in itself, makes us feel good, in fact we're quite honoured - to know that all these people like us enough to allow us to care for their homes.

Our journey to simplicity seems to have taken a slight detour... We still very much want that life, but our focus isn't on moving to France any more. Instead, we just think that our happiness will continue to attract good things & eventually, when the time is right - our move will happen. The Dolphins Fly have taken priority & Sime's fired with enthusiasm, which is wonderful to see. We're just enjoying life, loving being together & dreaming about what's around the corner... 

Watch this space.

Bye for now.

Kay & Sime xx


  1. Kay,
    The next time someone doesn't like the way you are putting the flowers into the bottles, hit them over the head with the damn thing!!
    Seriously, you two are such wonderful people, I hope all of your dreams come true.

  2. Mel - I probably will next time & thank you, you always make us feel good!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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