Coffee & Colds

It's not very often that we get colds, but about 3 weeks ago - Sime had one out of the blue & no-one else in the family got it...
 As usual, he suffered terribly for a couple of days & made sure we all knew about it!
He's such a big baby when he's ill & I do try to be sympathetic, but I did end up telling him to pull himself together!

Anyway, I'm feeling rather guilty now, as Hugo started with it at the weekend & he never causes a fuss, but he really was ill for a couple of days & guess what...
I started with it on Monday & have just had 2 lousy days of feeling crap!
And you know what else? Sime has cared for us brilliantly (which he always does) & he never complains... He's done all the cooking for the last few days & really pampered us.
So not only do I feel ill, but I feel such a horrible git too. 
Next time Sime is ill, I promise to be more thoughtful & caring, I won't utter the words "typical man" or "man flu" again...

Luckily, we had a day off work today, as it was Hugo's home ed group & Rose was today's volunteer, along with our friend, Simon. 
Not wanting to waste our day, we decided to head to Falmouth - where Sime was hoping to get some work done on one of his bass guitars... 
While there, we visited our favourite veggie cafe - Cafe Cinnamon, where I was treated to 2 black Americanos & some lovely pastries.

I wasn't feeling well at this point, but soon perked up with a couple of coffees inside me!

The pastries were good too!

It's a lovely place & it was nice & warm again today!

Later on, we bought a Fal Falafel, which was so delicious - that we forgot to take photos...

I am trying to be cheerful! 

Need to be better for tomorrow, as we've got 2 busy cleans...

Kay :)


  1. [Hugs] Kay hope you and Hugo are all feeling a lot better soon. The pastries look delicious no wonder you perked up. I would have too. Hope you are cold free soon

    Take care



  2. Feel better soon. Those pastries look really good.

  3. There's nothing as miserable as a cold. I hope you throw it off soon.

  4. That's the trouble with (some) men, they make such a fuss when they are only a little bit ill that it's hard to tell when they are really ill. ;-) I blame it on their mothers.

    I hope you are well enough for the two big cleans tomorrow. It sounds a lot even if you are feeling well.

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon :)


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