Miserable? Not Us

Our work continues to get busier... 
This time last year was still fairly quiet, but right now - all the property owners have been in touch within days of each other & either they are coming over Easter or they've had last minute bookings... 
We can't believe how we seem to have suddenly been catapulted into full on work & yesterday we were out of the house for 11 hours, it's almost like the Summer holiday season!

So now I'm starting to get concerned that we're not going to cope - our diary is filling up & the phone keeps ringing with even more work. 
We usually go quiet again for a short while after Easter, although if this good weather continues - folks will be flocking to Cornwall, instead of holidaying abroad.

For the last 3 years, I've done all the bookkeeping, but it may be time to think about getting an accountant on board, well it would be nice & we're always going round in circles about employing people...
I would prefer to keep our business small & manageable, though if I'm totally honest - I'd rather be doing something much more enjoyable... Cleaning & care taking isn't something we want to be doing in several years time, but at least it's enabled us to move away from being employed & gives us much more freedom & independence.

 It's days like today that make us realise exactly what we don't want - we take care of some incredibly grand properties, which are owned by some very wealthy people. Some of those folks are not happy bunnies, they are totally consumed by their riches, they don't like to spend & live very frugal, miserable lives. They talk of things going wrong, about losing thousands of pounds, of paranoia, illness & failed relationships. We leave their homes feeling exhausted, not only do we clean for them, but we listen to all their woes too! 

How sad to live in beautiful surroundings, in such luxury & not be able to see it... We feel grateful just to have the opportunity to visit these places, but it just saddens us to see such misery, when we can see that these folks have so much. How lucky we are - we don't own massive properties which need endless maintenance & we don't have huge debts to worry about. Instead, we live our simple life, enjoying & appreciating even the smallest of things...

Even our knackered camera has it's pluses...

We are rich too in so many more ways & grateful for everything we have in our lives.
Luckily, neither of us are motivated by money or material goods.
We are just happy being us!

Kay (& Sime) xx


  1. Life is about enjoying what we have - not working into the ground.

  2. Your positive outlook on life is an inspiration.

  3. Great attitude!! Having money and all the trouble that comes with it doesn't interest me either. I guess that is why I am always broke!!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    It must be this hot weather - it certainly makes us feel good!

    Kay :)

  5. Funny, we were just talking about this subject a couple days ago. My husband has been raised to lean towards the material successes of life and I've just naturally leaned toward the 'best things in life are free' things. Some of my most memorable, happy, carefree times were the ones with little money but so much freedom and happiness all around. I agree with you about the sadness in people that focus on the material side of life...but then again, I can't deny it'll take me a few bucks to get to the UK one day :) heehee! But I can proudly say, I'm in your camp and not miserable either :) Great post, stay well ;)

  6. We're not big on £$£ either - it's just so empty and shallow being that way. The only things I like that money can buy is education (we both LOVE learning, but it often costs these day if you want to take a formal class) and travel. As for the big house, fancy car and so-called 'security', the materialists can keep them. We're happier than them, have a better, less-stressed relationship and feel little need to impress others. Ah, what a relief!


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