Top Of The World

It's my lovely wife's 45th birthday today and it's great to see her having such a nice time. 
We had a bit of a lie-in, then Kay said that she'd like to go to the new Eden Project Cafe in St. Austell for breakfast.  

Having dined there recently, we were aware of their "Book Swap" area. 
Choose a book from home you wish to donate, write a brief piece in the inside cover and put it in the Swap Section. Then, if there's a book you fancy, take it home. Kay donated her favourite book "The Complete SAS Guide to Interrogation Techniques". I made that up. She actually donated the wonderful book "The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche, only because the last page is missing. Just joking. It was in pristine condition . I suggested selling it at a car boot sale instead but  then she gave me one of her famous looks and I shut up. Kay wrote in the cover about how good the book is and how she hoped that whomever took it would find joy and peace from it's words. She also included our blogspot address because as we all know folks, clicks mean pennies. (Ha Ha!). 

Kay chose a great book that we've been meaning to read for years called "No Logo" by Naomi Klein. Although it's ten years old now, it's subject matter is still as valid now as then. Check it out and have a good think about those labels you wear. Suitably refreshed, we departed the delightful and picturesque town of St.Austell (snigger), our belts tighter and pockets lighter, but all in a good way and headed home for Birthday present giving, something of a tradition in the Smith household, generally on the anniversary of someone's birthday. Weird eh? 

My beloved adamantly (not as in the band Adam and the Ants), stated recently that she was desirous of a celebratory day refreshingly free of gargantuan amounts of gifts and peripheries. "My little Poppet" I blurted, "What has brought about this sudden and shockingly immodest exclamation of austerity? (You see, I always shower my darling with ludicrously expensive tokens of my affection). Following a well aimed right cross and unexpected forearm smash, I agreed to respect her wishes and "Keep it simple". 

Ten years ago I purchased for my lovely wife a book containing pages of parchment that can only be described as "handmade". A fine book indeed, just waiting for lovely words to fill it's pages.
 Finally, yesterday, Kay's ten year wait is at an end and the book contains many yummy veggie recipes, some old, some new, but all nosh-worthy. There's no point rushing things. That's my motto. Kay's had some lovely gifts...

A hand decorated jug from Rose and Asa, books from Hugo and I and a lovely top from my Dad and Step-mum. I also got around to tuning my Ukelele for her so she can confidently go busking in Truro. I promise not to request any Bacharach. I love my wife very much and that's the way it is. How she puts up with my impersonations of obscure and deceased members of Austrian Royalty I do not know, not to mention distracting her from reading her SAS manuals with my Tuba practice. She is my best friend. Right, put the tissues away and I'll tell you a funny story...............

Hugo and I enjoy a good old lie-in. Why not? You know, wake up naturally at 10 or 11am in a gentle and civilised fashion, snooze on for another hour, then gratefully accept the delightful cooked breakfast and quality newspaper (pressed, naturally), that is only right for discerning gentlemen of our bearing.Something shocking and unnatural happened to Hugo and I recently that is so unbearable that I can scarcely gather my shattered wits to share it here today. I take a deep breath, knock back a tumbler of 30 yr old Single Malt and recount the horror that scars my son and I to this day.............A hotel room. 7am. Hugo and Father snuggled in their respected beds, enjoying the rest that is only befitting two gentlemen of distinction. Then, THE ALARM RANG AND RANG.............Kay's mobile phone alarm. LOUD and CLEAR.  Hugo and I were shocked into a world of pain and confusion, and then the awful realisation hit us: Kay was in the shower, blissfully unaware of the terror endured by her loved ones, a mere three feet from her. Here we now arrive at the title of today's blog: Kay likes The Carpenters. Not all their songs, but she does belt out a mean and may I say authentic rendition of "Top of the World". This particular morning she was on top form. Nothing wrong with her lungs or pitch. Full of the joys of Spring and unaware of the pleas for mercy from her boys. That mobile phone has more buttons than mission control, yet not one of them SWITCHES OFF THE BLOODY ALARM. Then, how come Kay easily turned it off when re-entering the bedroom? If ever I bump into Richard Carpenter.......................

We're off to our friends tonight. A lovely place in acres of woodland. It's Earth Hour, so lights out and candle power, a barbecue and general niceness with lovely people. I've enjoyed Kay's birthday probably as much as she has. It's nice to see her happy and not to be so threatening with those
bush knives for a change. What a lovely day with my lovely wife!

Happy Birthday sweetheart,
Love Simey


  1. Oh how brilliant - Many happy returns Kay - Simey seems to have enjoyed your birthday and I hope you have too - my sort of day also. Simey I like the alarm clock story - that's the sort of thing that tends to happen here. I hope your evening is just as brilliant and that you have a lovely evening with your friends. I am observing Earth hour too - have located the matches and the candles and just going to have a quiet evening probably perusing a book or two or putting the knitting needles on automatic pilot (its only knit knot - not knit pearl).

    Take care sweetheart enjoy your special day with your loved ones.

    Tricia (aka Pattypan)


  2. Happy Birthday Kay!! It sounds like you had a really great day with your family. I hope this next year is wonderful for you.
    Love the alarm story, I like The Carpenters too.

  3. I keep hearing about The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying and wonder if I should read it, but I don't believe in reincarnation, so that idea would bring me no comfort.

    I believe in a loving God or benign Higher Power who wants what is best for us collectively, if not individually. As I see it, life will end either with a final, endless sleep or by being swept up into a divine big hug. I think I'm OK with both of those. Of course losing anyone we love is hard, but it helps if they are old and their quality of life has deteriorated. If it happens under other circumstances I imagine it will always be harder.


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