Las Palabras de Tontos

We've at last come across someone nuttier than Sime...

We finally made our trip down into Spain, to the city of Figueres & visited Dali Theatre-Museum
As I suspected, we didn't make it to Barcelona - we'd overslept & not started out until after 11am...

One consolation of heading south is that it got warmer & we had our thermal underwear on as it was cold when we left France!

The Museum was very warm, stuffy & busy...

But was full of weird & wonderful creations!

Dali bought the theatre in 1960 & spent over 20 years installing various works of art.
 He is buried in a crypt underneath the museum.

He also created amazing jewellery - this piece has a beating heart...

We arrived in the city, not knowing the whereabouts of the museum.
After catching a glimpse & then getting lost in the one-way system, it took a while to find our way back.

This is also home of the Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation.

Gala and Salvador Dalí
Salvador met Gala in the 20s, they married in 1934 & she features in lots of his work.
It is thought that Salvador made two suicide attempts after Gala's death in 1982, but was cared for by other artist friends until his death in 1989.

Salvador was born in Figueres...

He was baptised in this church, where his funeral was held too.

This cafe is in the same square as the museum & Dali apparently loved to sit & watch folks visit his theatre!

We later drove out to Roses, which we didn't like at all - apart from this lighthouse!

We also took the mountain pass to Cadaques & saw the sun setting over the sprawling metropolis of Roses...

And finished our day off with a meal in a Spanish diner near the border of France, where we were chuffed to bits when the waiter called after us when leaving...
Hasta La Vista!

Kay :)


  1. I have always been a fan of Dali. Thank you for the tour - your pictures are terrific.


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