Humans Doing

It's half term for the school children of the UK this week.
This means lots of families head to Cornwall for a holiday & make lots of work for us!
Of course this is great for our own holiday fund - but doesn't half interfere with our leisure time...

We had an evening out in our newly opened village pub on Sunday, which was very nice (though we ended up staying much longer than planned & spending more money than we anticipated), so it was a struggle to get up yesterday - which really annoys me, because I like to be organised. 

Anyway, we made up for it today - up early, got lots done & while the car was having a light fixed at the garage (which amazingly, they did free of charge - as we're regular customers!), we had time to have a cuppa at The Eden Project Cafe, which opened in St Austell last week & is very nice - they have local vegetables for sale, a book swap scheme & a great looking menu with veggie & vegan choices too, so we were impressed!

It's also the 2nd week of our Optimum Health programme, so we should increase our walking to 15 minutes a day, but we're doing about 20. We are continuing with Rose Hips each day for the Vitamin C & this week - we have started taking extra Beta-Carotene, so instead of supplements we've decided to increase our intake of colourful foods & are putting organic dried apricots & blueberries in our porridge, along with all the seeds & molasses. Just trying to keep our diet as natural as possible & have had Liz Cook's Nutrition Chart on our kitchen wall for years, as a handy reminder.
 Andrew Weil recommends drinking green tea, which I do occasionally, but mostly we drink Earl Grey Rooibos. He also talks about drinking water - which we already drink lots of & we should continue eating organic broccoli  & linseeds twice a week. We have also been taking Hemp Oil every day - it really has amazing effects on the skin, we use it like face cream too!

I think we're slowly seeing the benefits of our improved diet & walks, so are very keen to continue.
We forgot to take photos while out walking today, but here are a couple of the views from the house we were working at this morning...

A bit of a grey day...

But still a lovely place to be!

We have another busy day tomorrow - so think it might be time for bed...

Kay :)


  1. Good for you for staying healthy. It does look grey there, but at least it isn't white. That's right - we are shoveling more snow today. ARGH!!!

  2. Wow - we've hardly seen any snow since living in Cornwall, we'd be so excited if we had some for more than a day! Instead we get lots of fog, today it's really thick!

    Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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