Heading Home

More food today...

Sime & Hugo were very excited at the thought of some British grub for breakfast!
In reality it was pretty awful & after looking out of the hotel window - I wished we were back in France...

Our whole journey home felt very drab & grey, lots of traffic on litter covered roads.

Even Stonehenge looked dismal!

Seeing the huge pigs further down the road - didn't lift us, just left us feeling sad.

We stopped off for a plate of vegetables at a pub in Exeter & still we all seemed subdued...

Now we're home & it's nice to be back, Sime's happy pottering around, Hugo's on his comp talking to his friends - while I'm supposed to be organising our work schedule for the next few days.

But instead, I'm thinking about the next adventure...

Kay :)


  1. Welcome home. I guess it's not unusual to feel a bit low after a holiday, especially as enjoyable as the one you've just had.

    I hope the sun shines for you tomorrow!

  2. Stop with the food pictures, you are killing me!! Vacations are great, but it is always nice to be home.

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely time. Our weather isn't too cheery just now, it is true, but I always find having a holiday makes me appreciate home more, however much I enjoyed the holiday.

  4. It is good to be home & although I was dreading having to work today - it's been fine... :)


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