A Day In The Life

Today, we decided to start the day with a juice.
We've had our juicer for about 3 years & it does make the most incredible juices...

Today's was Apple, Carrot & Beetroot - all organic.

We added a teaspoon of ground Rose Hips...

And it was delicious!

We went along to a cleaning demo after breakfast - work does tend to get in the way at times, but we were very impressed: Enjo are an Austrian company, who have created cleaning cloths, etc that can be used with just water. We use Bio D Products or have done so up until now... After seeing the various cloths & gloves do the jobs effortlessly, we decided to make a few purchases & if they don't work for us - we'll get our money back, so watch this space!

Then it was off to a local Gurkha restaurant for a meal with the kidlets...

We haven't seen Sal for over 5 weeks, so it was lovely to catch up!

As usual, we were non-stop chatting & somehow I got away with taking a photo of Hugo without him complaining!

Rose managed a smile, even though her uni work is overwhelming her at the moment! 

The food was great & we were the only customers, so were treated like VIPs. 
The waiter was really impressed that the whole family was veggie!

Having had such a busy day, we didn't get out for our walk until about 7pm. The sky was clear & the moon shone... 

A beautiful end to a perfect day!

Kay :)


  1. I've never come across a Gurkha restaurant before. What distinguishes it from a regular Indian restaurant?

  2. The juice looks delicious. What a beautiful color.

  3. Just Gai - Gurkha restaurants are quite common in Cornwall, they specialise in Nepalese cuisine. Here's the website to the one in St Austell: www.nepalesegurkha.co.uk

    Mel - I love the look of juiced beetroot & really dark green juices too.

    Kay :)


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