Cornwall Alternative Teens Group

Our first session at the home ed group this year, so was lovely to catch up with everyone!
While we were in France, some of the kids had a go at making a stop-motion video, so we heard all about it today - here is their first attempt:

The group has received some funding & the kids have decided to have a formal training session in animation, so next month they'll be attending a workshop. They've also done lots of research & were keen to show us some amazing stop-motion videos they have found inspiring.

This is my favourite:

I wonder how many days that woman spent on the bed!

The Animation Workbench.

Computer Zone.

Sime is usually upstairs in the music room, but he was on drying up duty after lunch!

The centre we use for the group is in the centre of Truro, which is the capital (very small) city of Cornwall. Most of the kids are able to come by train - which is great! All the volunteers have had to have police checks - which have finally all come through, so we'll be starting a rota system within the next month. The kids have membership cards, which can be shown if they are ever challenged as why they are not at school. They pay £2 per session & £1 for lunch.

Hugo & all the other kids are loving it & we're really grateful to our friends, Jane & Simon who have worked so hard to get the group started - their energy & motivation is incredible. They are both brilliant with all the kids & have made the group so enjoyable - that the not quite 12 year olds of the county are desperate to join in the fun!

 I just hope that come 30th March, Sime & I can create the same atmosphere when it's our turn to run the session...

Another dark walk tonight!

Kay :)


  1. I managed to walk to the top of the High Street and back after lunch (2 pm), as I was at work today. It isn't that far, I didn't walk that slowly and I didn't buy much, but I had a browse here and there and then met someone very chatty on the way back, so it took me a couple of hours!

    I then met someone with even more to say when I was in Waitrose. It was interesting, but it meant that buying six items took me a good half an hour. I just got home in time to collect the eggs before the chickens went up to roost.

  2. I was fascinated by the Her Morning Elegance video. Very clever!

  3. Karin - If you get the chance, google Andrew Weil - I really like his books & he makes so much sense. He says that walking is the best form of exercise, it carries the least risk of injury & it doesn't require any expensive equipment or training. We're off for our walk in a few minutes to catch the last of today's sun...

    Just Gai - I really like the music in the video too, but it does get into your head!

    Kay :)

  4. The Truro meeting sounds excellent, and the stop motion is very impressive. A lot harder than it looks, planning and not moving too much!


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Kay and Sime

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