Quelle Deception!

Let's get straight to it. Le Puy-en Velay is not what it seems. Check out the blurb and it appears to be an oasis of Auvergneois (Is that real?) traditionalism, a veritable potage of lentils, impossibly lunar-like cones of volcanic weirdness and down-home hospitality. The reality is that Le Puy is trading upon a fabrication! Merde!
Perhaps in the '30s, before the nasty sprawl of scruffiness swamped and obscured what was special and unique about this place, it was worth a detour. Grab a sac of lentilles vertes, climb to a chapel that clings upon a volcanic needle and revel in the remoteness of the region. Now, all you want to do is pass through.Why stay when you see a "Mick Burger".
There is a lovely building across the way from our hotel. A former distillery. Could be an old Parisian building from way back when. You know, those French street corner properties that have a graceful curve to them. Easy on the eye, grand without being ostentatious. There is a wonderful iron sculpture on the roof advertising it's name and it is crowned with a back-lit stained glass globe. Locals pass it by. To me, it's more real and striking than the volcanic cones. What a waste.We won't be moving to Le Puy.

Here are our favourite pics of the day:

We're leaving early tomorrow and I'll be glad to leave. Taking the route over the Millau bridge and to our destination near Carcassonne. The road goes on........................................



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